<pre class="brush: ruby;">
puts "Do you use Facebook? (Y/N)"
<%=sanitize @thought.entry %>
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<pre class="brush: ruby;">
puts "Do you use Facebook? (Y/N)"
facehooked = gets
if facehooked == "Y" #upper- or lower-case?
puts "How many friends do you have?"
friends = gets
if friends > 30
puts "I asked how many friends you have. Not how many friends you have on Facebook. You are Facehooked."
elsif friends == 0
puts "I am sorry to hear that."
#How sociable are you in the real world?
#TODO - data-type checking
puts "Please answer the following questions with a number:\nHow many people would you like to see on a weekly basis?"
buddies = gets
puts "How many people do you happen to see on a weekly basis?"
acquaintances = gets
puts "How many people that you do not like do you have to see on a daily basis?"
forced = gets
puts "How many people would you love to see on a daily basis?"
true_friends = gets
people = buddies + acquaintances + forced + true_friends
true_friends_to_buddies = true_friends/buddies
buddies_to_acquaintances = buddes/acquaintances
true_friends_to_acquaintances = true_friends/aquaintances
puts "How many 'friends' do you have on Facebook?"
facehooks = gets
if people == 0
puts "You are ninja. You drift among this world without a connection. Please do not kill me."
elsif people >= 500
puts "You are one social motherfucker!"
elsif facehooked == "N"
puts "You do not have a hook in your face. Congratulations."
puts "That question required a yes or no answer."
puts "You should follow @ricburton on Twitter - he likes talking to new people, making acquaintances and building friendships."
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看起來像JavaScript是在內容被風格加載之前發射 - 嘗試在頁面底部粘貼js(這通常是一個很好的做法) – 2011-12-22 00:25:24