2016-02-05 31 views

這是一個簡單的骰子游戲,我很困惑爲什麼代碼在最後提示用戶兩次提問。如果我說(y)設置賭注,它只會提示用戶這個問題兩次。 輸出 你想玩胡扯嗎? (Y/N) Ÿ 您當前的現金鍋:$ 100爲什麼我的代碼顯示提示兩次,如果我沒有告訴它?

  Would you like to bet? (y/n) n 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 1 
      Dice 2: 1 
      Total: 2 
      You Lost... :(
      Your total now is $100 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 
      Your current cash pot is: $100 

      Would you like to bet? (y/n) n 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 2 
      Dice 2: 6 
      Total: 8 
      {Your POINT is: 8} 

      Rolling for the Point: 8 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 3 
      Dice 2: 2 
      {Total: 5} 
      Rolling for the Point: 8 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 1 
      Dice 2: 5 
      {Total: 6} 
      Rolling for the Point: 8 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 6 
      Dice 2: 1 
      {Total: 7} 
      You Lost... 
      Your total now is $100 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 
      Your current cash pot is: $100 

      Would you like to bet? (y/n) y 
      How much would you like to bet? $5 
      Your bet stands at $5 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 2 
      Dice 2: 6 
      Total: 8 
      {Your POINT is: 8} 

      Rolling for the Point: 8 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 5 
      Dice 2: 4 
      {Total: 9} 
      Rolling for the Point: 8 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 5 
      Dice 2: 3 
      {Total: 8} 
      You Won!!! 
      Your total now is $105 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 
      Your current cash pot is: $105 

      Would you like to bet? (y/n) y 
      How much would you like to bet? $5 
      Your bet stands at $5 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 5 
      Dice 2: 6 
      Total: 11 
      You Won!! :) 
      Your total now is $110 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 
      Your current cash pot is: $110 

      Would you like to bet? (y/n) y 
      How much would you like to bet? $5 
      Your bet stands at $5 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 4 
      Dice 2: 5 
      Total: 9 
      {Your POINT is: 9} 

      Rolling for the Point: 9 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 6 
      Dice 2: 3 
      {Total: 9} 
      You Won!!! 
      Your total now is $115 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 
      Your current cash pot is: $115 

      Would you like to bet? (y/n) n 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 5 
      Dice 2: 5 
      Total: 10 
      {Your POINT is: 10} 

      Rolling for the Point: 10 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 5 
      Dice 2: 3 
      {Total: 8} 
      Rolling for the Point: 10 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 1 
      Dice 2: 1 
      {Total: 2} 
      Rolling for the Point: 10 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 4 
      Dice 2: 2 
      {Total: 6} 
      Rolling for the Point: 10 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 5 
      Dice 2: 1 
      {Total: 6} 
      Rolling for the Point: 10 
      Press "ENTER" to continue... 

      Dice 1: 2 
      Dice 2: 5 
      {Total: 7} 
      You Lost... 
      Your total now is $115 

      Do you want to play craps? (y/n) 
      Good bye. 
      Won: 3 
      Lost: 4 
      Cash: $115 

這裏下面是我運行源: 包項目3;

  import java.util.Random; // Used for generating a random number dice 
      import java.util.Scanner; // Used for getting input from user 

      * @author Sartaj Singh 
      public class Project3 { 

       public static void promptEnterKey() { 
        System.out.println("Press \"ENTER\" to continue..."); 
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 

       public static void main(String[] args) { 
        int pot = 100; 
        int bet = 0; 
        int wins = 0; 
        int losses = 0; 
        // int games = 0; 

        // Make an instance of the Random and Scanner Class 
        Random random = new Random(); 
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 
        while (pot >= 1) { 
         System.out.println("Do you want to play craps? (y/n) "); 
         String play_choice = input.nextLine(); 
         if ("N".equals(play_choice) || "n".equals(play_choice)) { 
          System.out.println("Good bye."); 
          System.out.println("Won: " + wins); 
          System.out.println("Lost: " + losses); 
          System.out.println("Cash: $" + pot); 

         else if ("Y".equals(play_choice) || "y".equals(play_choice)) { 
          System.out.println("Your current cash pot is: $" + pot); 
          System.out.print("Would you like to bet? (y/n) "); 
          String bet_choice = input.nextLine(); 
          if ("y".equals(bet_choice) || "Y".equals(bet_choice)) { 
           System.out.print("How much would you like to bet? $"); 
           bet = input.nextInt(); 
           while (bet < 1 || bet > pot) { 
            System.out.print("YOU CANT BET THAT AMOUNT! How much would you like to bet? $"); 
            bet = input.nextInt(); 
           System.out.println("Your bet stands at $" + bet); 

          if ("n".equals(bet_choice) || "N".equals(bet_choice)) { 
           bet = 0; 
          int dice1; 
          dice1 = random.nextInt(6) + 1; 
          int dice2; 
          dice2 = random.nextInt(6) + 1; 
          int dice_total = dice1 + dice2; 
          System.out.println("Dice 1: " + dice1); 
          System.out.println("Dice 2: " + dice2); 
          System.out.println("Total: " + dice_total); 
          switch (dice_total) { 
           case 7: 
           case 11: 
            System.out.println("You Won!! :)"); 
            pot += bet; 
            System.out.println("Your total now is $" + pot); 
           case 2: 
           case 3: 
           case 12: 
            System.out.println("You Lost... :("); 
            pot -= bet; 
            System.out.println("Your total now is $" + pot); 
            int point = dice_total; 
            System.out.println("{Your POINT is: " + point + "}"); 
            while (dice_total != 7) { 
             System.out.println("Rolling for the Point: " + point); 
             dice1 = random.nextInt(6) + 1; 
             dice2 = random.nextInt(6) + 1; 
             dice_total = dice1 + dice2; 
             System.out.println("Dice 1: " + dice1); 
             System.out.println("Dice 2: " + dice2); 
             System.out.println("{Total: " + dice_total + "}"); 
             if (dice_total == point) { 
              System.out.println("You Won!!!"); 
              pot += bet; 
              System.out.println("Your total now is $" + pot); 
             } else if (dice_total == 7) { 
              System.out.println("You Lost..."); 
              pot -= bet; 
              System.out.println("Your total now is $" + pot); 



其中的情況下被promted什麼問題兩次? – Stultuske


這是提示兩次, 你想玩胡扯嗎? (y/n) 你想玩胡扯嗎? (y/n) –


似乎你沒有提供任何輸入,這意味着鍋的價值沒有改變。 – Stultuske



做完bet = input.nextInt();之後,你也應該做input.nextLine();


if ("y".equals(bet_choice) || "Y".equals(bet_choice)) { 
    System.out.print("How much would you like to bet? $"); 
    bet = input.nextInt(); 
    while (bet < 1 || bet > pot) { 
     System.out.print("YOU CANT BET THAT AMOUNT! How much would you like to bet? $"); 
     bet = input.nextInt(); 
    /* Add Here */ 
    System.out.println("Your bet stands at $" + bet); 

謝謝!它完美的作品。我將保存它並嘗試使用方法。我怎樣才能關閉這個問題? –


您的歡迎:) – user2004685
