2016-07-19 23 views


今天我第一次嘗試在操作系統Windows中使用jar創建服務。 我嘗試用Java包裝社區版29年3月5日

創建test_service在Windows正常。 對於下一步,我嘗試啓動新的test_service。 服務嘗試啓動和關閉。 在日誌中JAVA WRAPPER有這個信息。

STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:53:21 | --> Wrapper Started as Service 
STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:53:21 | Java Service Wrapper Community Edition 32-bit 3.5.29 
STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:53:21 | Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:53:21 |  http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com 
STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:53:21 | 
STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:53:22 | Launching a JVM... 
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/07/19 11:53:22 | [11:53:22 19.07.2016]: Starting Oracle. 
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/07/19 11:53:22 | [11:53:22 19.07.2016]: Try Update. 
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/07/19 11:53:22 | [11:53:22 19.07.2016]: Update OK. 
ERROR | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | Startup failed: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM. 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | Advice: 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | The Wrapper consists of a native component as well as a set of classes 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | which run within the JVM that it launches. The Java component of the 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | Wrapper must be initialized promptly after the JVM is launched or the 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | Wrapper will timeout, as just happened. Most likely the main class 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | specified in the Wrapper configuration file is not correctly initializing 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | the Wrapper classes: 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 |  COM.MainRunner 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | While it is possible to do so manually, the Wrapper ships with helper 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | classes to make this initialization processes automatic. 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | Please review the integration section of the Wrapper's documentation 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | for the various methods which can be employed to launch an application 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | within the Wrapper: 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 |  http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/doc/english/integrate.html 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
ADVICE | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | 
ERROR | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | JVM did not exit on request, termination requested. 
STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:21 | JVM exited after being requested to terminate. 
STATUS | wrapper | 2016/07/19 11:54:26 | Launching a JVM... 
INFO | jvm 2 | 2016/07/19 11:54:26 | [11:54:26 19.07.2016]: Starting Oracle. 
INFO | jvm 2 | 2016/07/19 11:54:26 | [11:54:26 19.07.2016]: Try Update. 
INFO | jvm 2 | 2016/07/19 11:54:27 | [11:54:26 19.07.2016]: Update OK. 




需要與工具例如java類WrapperListener –








