我使用PHP myAdmin
Id | gender | brand | category | subcategory|
1 | women | nike | shoes | sandalet |
2 | women | nike | shoes | nightshoes |
3 | women | nike | shoes | sandalet |
4 | women | nike | shoes | nightshoes |
5 | women | puma | shoes | sandalet |
6 | women | nike | shoes | eveningshoes|
7 | women | puma | shoes | sandalet |
8 | women | nike | shoes | sandalet |
<?php if(isset($_POST['shoes'])): ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="eveningshoes" value="<?php echo $eveningshoes; ?>"onclick="formSubmit()"<?php if(isset($_POST['eveningshoes'])):?>checked<?php endif;?>><?php echo $eveningshoes; antalSkor_subcategory_eveningshoes($shoes_post_var,$eveningshoes);?><br>
<input type="checkbox"name="nightshoes" value="<?php echo $nightshoes; ?>" onclick="formSubmit()"<?php if(isset($_POST['nightshoes'])):?>checked<?php endif;?>><?php echo $nightshoes; antalSkor_subcategory_nightshoes($shoes_post_var,$nightshoes);?><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="sandalet" value="<?php echo $sandalet; ?>"onclick="formSubmit()"<?php if(isset($_POST['sandalet'])):?>checked<?php endif;?>><?php echo $sandalet; echo antalSkor_subcategory_sandalet($shoes_post_var,$sandalet);?><br>
<?php endif;?>
,如果用戶通過使用該功能 功能點擊與價值sandalet 戈納輸出結果的複選框是爲其他品牌一樣只是想拿着它短這裏
function antalSkor_nike($shoes_post_var,$sandalet_post_var,$nightshoes_post_var,$eveningshoes_post_var,$nike) {
if(isset($shoes_post_var) && isset($sandalet_post_var)){
//if sandalet checked counting how many NIKE sandalet we have
$result1=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from productsx where category='$shoes_post_var ' AND subcategory='$sandalet_post_var' AND brand ='$nike'")or die (mysql_errno());
$total1 = mysql_result($result1, 0);
echo ' '.'('.$total1.')';
}elseif(isset($shoes_post_var) && isset($nightshoes_post_var)){
//if night shoes checked counting how many NIKE night shoes we have
$result2=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from productsx where category='$shoes_post_var ' AND subcategory='$nightshoes_post_var' AND brand ='$nike'")or die (mysql_errno());
$total2 = mysql_result($result2, 0);
echo ' '.'('.$total2.')';
}elseif(isset($shoes_post_var) && isset($eveningshoes_post_var)){
//if evening shoes checked counting how many NIKE evening shoes we have
$result3=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from productsx where category='$shoes_post_var ' AND subcategory='$$eveningshoes_post_var' AND brand ='$nike'")or die (mysql_errno());
$total3 = mysql_result($result3, 0);
echo ' '.'('.$total3.')';
$result=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from productsx where category='$shoes_post_var ' AND brand ='$nike'")or die (mysql_errno());
$total = mysql_result($result, 0);
echo ' '.'('.$total.')';
<input type="checkbox" name="nike"value="<?php echo @$nike; ?>" onclick="formSubmit()"<?php if(isset($_POST['nike'])):?>checked<?php endif;?>><?php echo @$nike; echo antalSkor_nike($shoes_post_var,$sandalet_post_var,$nightshoes_post_var,$eveningshoes_post_var,$nike);?><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="puma"value="<?php echo @$puma; ?>" onclick="formSubmit()"<?php if(isset($_POST['puma'])):?>checked<?php endif;?>><?php echo @$puma; echo antalSkor_puma($shoes_post_var,$sandalet_post_var,$nightshoes_post_var,$eveningshoes_post_var,$puma);?><br>
Sandalet NIKE(3)
Nightshoes NIKE(2)
如何使用查詢計數t下襬到(5)? 感謝
謝謝大衛代碼工作:)對不起,我不能投票呢,需要拿出15聲譽得分。 – samuel
@samuel,我看到你有超過25個代表。請注意! – David
是的,我現在可以投票:)再次感謝。 – samuel