2011-04-23 61 views

假設我有一個100個元素的numpy數組。我對這個數組的子集執行一些計算 - 可能有20個元素滿足某些條件。然後我在這個子集中選擇一個索引,我如何(有效)恢復第一個數組中的索引?我不想對a中的所有值執行計算,因爲它很昂貴,所以我只想在需要的地方執行它(滿足條件)。Python/Numpy - 從子集中獲取索引到主數組


a = np.arange(100)         # size = 100 
b = some_function(a[[i for i in range(0,100,5)]]) # size = 20 
Index = np.argmax(b) 

# Index gives the index of the maximum value in b, 
# but what I really want is the index of the element 
# in a 




import numpy as np 

def some_function(arr): 
    return arr*2.0 

a = np.arange(100)*2.        # size = 100 
b = some_function(a[[i for i in range(0,100,5)]]) # size = 20 
Index = np.argmax(b) 

print Index 
# Index gives the index of the maximum value in b, but what I really want is 
# the index of the element in a 

# In this specific case, Index will be 19. So b[19] is the largest value 
# in b. Now, what I REALLY want is the index in a. In this case, that would 
# 95 because some_function(a[95]) is what made the largest value in b. 
print b[Index] 
print some_function(a[95]) 

# It is important to note that I do NOT want to change a. I will perform 
# several calculations on SOME values of a, then return the indices of 'a' where 
# all calculations meet some condition. 

不知道我是否理解你的問題,但是你想找出第二步計算的20個指數嗎?最終的「索引」與它有什麼關係? – ejel 2011-04-23 02:23:43


@ejel:試圖解釋它,讓我們假設some_function忽略輸入數組,只是返回一個與輸入長度相同的隨機整數數組。然後'Index'將包含具有最大(隨機)數字的b中的索引。 b中的索引確實對應於a中的某個索引,而a中的索引是我想要的。 – 2011-04-23 03:47:13





a = np.arange(100) 
condition = (a % 5 == 0) & (a % 7 == 0) 
b = a[condition] 
index = np.argmax(b) 
# The following should do what you want 


a = np.arange(100) 
b_indices = np.where(a % 5 == 0) 
b = a[b_indices] 
index = np.argmax(b) 
# Get the value of 'a' corresponding to 'index' 



我更新了我的問題,使其更加清晰。在你的代碼中,'a [condition] [index]'返回a中的值,但我希望INDEX在a中,這樣'a [INDEX] = a [condition] [index]'。有沒有一種簡單的方法來從條件和索引中獲取INDEX?我想是有的,但對我來說並不明顯。 – 2011-04-23 04:02:53


'np.arange(len(a))[condition] [index]'也許? – 2011-04-23 04:31:14


工作,謝謝。 – 2011-04-26 04:02:44




>>> a = np.random.random((10,5)) 
>>> a 
array([[ 0.22481885, 0.80522855, 0.1081426 , 0.42528799, 0.64471832], 
     [ 0.28044374, 0.16202575, 0.4023426 , 0.25480368, 0.87047212], 
     [ 0.84764143, 0.30580141, 0.16324907, 0.20751965, 0.15903343], 
     [ 0.55861168, 0.64368466, 0.67676172, 0.67871825, 0.01849056], 
     [ 0.90980614, 0.95897292, 0.15649259, 0.39134528, 0.96317126], 
     [ 0.20172827, 0.9815932 , 0.85661944, 0.23273944, 0.86819205], 
     [ 0.98363954, 0.00219531, 0.91348196, 0.38197302, 0.16002007], 
     [ 0.48069675, 0.46057327, 0.67085243, 0.05212357, 0.44870942], 
     [ 0.7031601 , 0.50889065, 0.30199446, 0.8022497 , 0.82347358], 
     [ 0.57058441, 0.38748261, 0.76947605, 0.48145936, 0.26650583]]) 


>>> b = a[2:4,2:7] 
>>> b 
array([[ 0.16324907, 0.20751965, 0.15903343], 
     [ 0.67676172, 0.67871825, 0.01849056]]) 


>>> b.base 
array([[ 0.22481885, 0.80522855, 0.1081426 , 0.42528799, 0.64471832], 
     [ 0.28044374, 0.16202575, 0.4023426 , 0.25480368, 0.87047212], 
     [ 0.84764143, 0.30580141, 0.16324907, 0.20751965, 0.15903343], 
     [ 0.55861168, 0.64368466, 0.67676172, 0.67871825, 0.01849056], 
     [ 0.90980614, 0.95897292, 0.15649259, 0.39134528, 0.96317126], 
     [ 0.20172827, 0.9815932 , 0.85661944, 0.23273944, 0.86819205], 
     [ 0.98363954, 0.00219531, 0.91348196, 0.38197302, 0.16002007], 
     [ 0.48069675, 0.46057327, 0.67085243, 0.05212357, 0.44870942], 
     [ 0.7031601 , 0.50889065, 0.30199446, 0.8022497 , 0.82347358], 
     [ 0.57058441, 0.38748261, 0.76947605, 0.48145936, 0.26650583]]) 


>>> b+=1 
>>> b 
array([[ 1.16324907, 1.20751965, 1.15903343], 
     [ 1.67676172, 1.67871825, 1.01849056]]) 
>>> a 
array([[ 0.22481885, 0.80522855, 0.1081426 , 0.42528799, 0.64471832], 
     [ 0.28044374, 0.16202575, 0.4023426 , 0.25480368, 0.87047212], 
     [ 0.84764143, 0.30580141, 1.16324907, 1.20751965, 1.15903343], 
     [ 0.55861168, 0.64368466, 1.67676172, 1.67871825, 1.01849056], 
     [ 0.90980614, 0.95897292, 0.15649259, 0.39134528, 0.96317126], 
     [ 0.20172827, 0.9815932 , 0.85661944, 0.23273944, 0.86819205], 
     [ 0.98363954, 0.00219531, 0.91348196, 0.38197302, 0.16002007], 
     [ 0.48069675, 0.46057327, 0.67085243, 0.05212357, 0.44870942], 
     [ 0.7031601 , 0.50889065, 0.30199446, 0.8022497 , 0.82347358], 
     [ 0.57058441, 0.38748261, 0.76947605, 0.48145936, 0.26650583]]) 


>>> a[2:4,2:7]+=1 
>>> a 
array([[ 0.22481885, 0.80522855, 0.1081426 , 0.42528799, 0.64471832], 
     [ 0.28044374, 0.16202575, 0.4023426 , 0.25480368, 0.87047212], 
     [ 0.84764143, 0.30580141, 1.16324907, 1.20751965, 1.15903343], 
     [ 0.55861168, 0.64368466, 1.67676172, 1.67871825, 1.01849056], 
     [ 0.90980614, 0.95897292, 0.15649259, 0.39134528, 0.96317126], 
     [ 0.20172827, 0.9815932 , 0.85661944, 0.23273944, 0.86819205], 
     [ 0.98363954, 0.00219531, 0.91348196, 0.38197302, 0.16002007], 
     [ 0.48069675, 0.46057327, 0.67085243, 0.05212357, 0.44870942], 
     [ 0.7031601 , 0.50889065, 0.30199446, 0.8022497 , 0.82347358], 
     [ 0.57058441, 0.38748261, 0.76947605, 0.48145936, 0.26650583]]) 
>>> b 
array([[ 1.16324907, 1.20751965, 1.15903343], 
     [ 1.67676172, 1.67871825, 1.01849056]]) 





>>> def some_func(a): 
...  return np.where(a>.8) 
>>> a = np.random.random((10,4)) 
>>> a 
array([[ 0.94495378, 0.55532342, 0.70112911, 0.4385163 ], 
     [ 0.12006191, 0.93091941, 0.85617421, 0.50429453], 
     [ 0.46246102, 0.89810859, 0.31841396, 0.56627419], 
     [ 0.79524739, 0.20768512, 0.39718061, 0.51593312], 
     [ 0.08526902, 0.56109783, 0.00560285, 0.18993636], 
     [ 0.77943988, 0.96168229, 0.10491335, 0.39681643], 
     [ 0.15817781, 0.17227806, 0.17493879, 0.93961027], 
     [ 0.05003535, 0.61873245, 0.55165992, 0.85543841], 
     [ 0.93542227, 0.68104872, 0.84750821, 0.34979704], 
     [ 0.06888627, 0.97947905, 0.08523711, 0.06184216]]) 
>>> i_off, j_off = 3,2 
>>> b = a[i_off:,j_off:] #b 
>>> i = some_func(b) #indicies in b 
>>> i 
(array([3, 4, 5]), array([1, 1, 0])) 
>>> map(sum, zip(i,(i_off, j_off))) # indicies in a 
[array([6, 7, 8]), array([3, 3, 2])] 




import numpy as np 

def some_function(arr): 
    return arr*2.0 

a = np.arange(100)*2.        # size = 100 
idx = np.array(range(0,100,5)) 
b = some_function(a[idx]) # size = 20 
b_idx = np.argmax(b) 
a_idx = idx[b_idx] # indices in a translated from indices in b 

print b_idx, a_idx 
print b[b_idx], a[a_idx] 

assert b[b_idx] == 2* a[a_idx] #true! 

是的,我明白我如何使用這樣的指標。但對於我的特殊應用,這不是我所需要的。可能我的例子並不是最好的。該代碼進入函數,函數需要將索引返回到滿足特定條件的數組中。所以函數可能類似於'def some_function(arr)',它返回arr中符合一系列條件的索引。我不打算改變數組的值。 – 2011-04-23 03:43:52


看我的編輯。我沒有看到任何方式來獲取在其基數組中定位子陣列的索引。那樣就好了。我想你只需要存儲用於創建子數組的索引(基本數組),然後將它們作爲偏移量應用於返回的(子數組)索引。 – Paul 2011-04-23 04:06:37


另一個編輯,看到你的改進後的示例代碼。 – Paul 2011-04-23 04:30:36


使用輔助數組a_index,它只是a的元素索引,因此a_index[3,5] = (3,5)。然後你可以得到原始索引a_index[condition == True][Index]
