# 1)Pace.py
# Converts miles per hour to minutes per mile.
print ("Hello! This program will convert the miles per hour you got on your treadmill to >minutes per mile.") # Greeting
def main() : # Defines the function main
while True : # The loop can repeat infinitely for multiple calculations.
mph = eval (input ("Please enter your speed in miles per hour. ")) # Asks for >user input and assigns it to mph.
mpm = 1/(mph/60) # The user input is divided by 60, and that is divided by 1. >This is assigned to mpm.
print ("Your speed was", mpm, "minutes per mile!") # Prints out the miles per >minute.
if mph == input ("") : # If the user entered nothing...
break # ...The program stops
main() # Runs main.
請修正你的代碼 - 這不能是你的原程序。無論如何,你可能希望'如果mph ==「」'沒有輸入。我強烈建議不要以這種方式使用「eval」,這是非常危險的。 – mdurant 2014-09-05 19:14:54
你爲什麼使用eval? – 2014-09-05 19:14:55
你不應該在輸入中使用'eval'。強制轉換爲int [ – 2014-09-05 19:15:15