2016-06-17 221 views

我已經做了一個小型的CSV轉換程序,我的方法之一叫OrganizeDataAndCreateOutput()被調用,但沒有循環打印出我的記錄文件中的每個字段。 我現在有while循環,因爲我不知道如何構建它。麻煩讓我的方法循環





class Program 
    // File object variables 
    static TextFieldParser input = new TextFieldParser("PPVendingPricing.csv"); 
    static StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter("convertedInventoryItemListTacMed.csv"); 

    // Input and output buffer variables 
    static string[] inputBuffer; 
    static string[] outputBuffer = new string[40]; 

    static void Main(string[] args) 


    * This method reads the input file and fill data structures 
    * that are used to organize the data before moving selected 
    * fields to the output buffer. 
    public static void ReadInputAndBuildDataStructures() 

     input.ReadFields(); // Skip the header record. 

     while (!input.EndOfData) 
      inputBuffer = input.ReadFields(); // Read a CSV record in to the inputBuffer. 

    * This method loads default values into the output 
    * buffer (string array). Some of these values will be 
    * replaced before the output buffer is written to the file. 
    public static void SetOutputBufferDefaultValues() 
     // Initialize all fields to empty. 
     for (int i = 0; i < outputBuffer.Length; i++) 
      outputBuffer[i] = ""; 

     // Update selected fields with default values. 
     outputBuffer[7] = "Solutions Inc"; 
     outputBuffer[10] = "TRUE"; 
     outputBuffer[11] = "FIFO"; 
     outputBuffer[15] = "TRUE"; 
     outputBuffer[17] = "Main"; 
     outputBuffer[19] = "TRUE"; 
     outputBuffer[21] = "Solutions Inc"; 
     outputBuffer[25] = "Main"; 
     outputBuffer[28] = "Periods of Supply"; 
     outputBuffer[32] = "1"; 
     outputBuffer[35] = "By Overall Item Qty"; 
     outputBuffer[36] = "TRUE"; 
     outputBuffer[37] = "TRUE"; 

    * This method maps selected values from the input buffer 
    * to the appropriate position in the output buffer. 
    public static void MapInputFieldsToOutputFields() 
     outputBuffer[0] = inputBuffer[26]; 
     outputBuffer[1] = inputBuffer[38]; 
     outputBuffer[2] = inputBuffer[3]; 
     outputBuffer[3] = inputBuffer[3]; 
     outputBuffer[4] = inputBuffer[40]; 
     outputBuffer[5] = inputBuffer[3]; 
     outputBuffer[6] = inputBuffer[27]; 
     outputBuffer[12] = inputBuffer[13]; 
     outputBuffer[13] = inputBuffer[39]; 
     outputBuffer[14] = inputBuffer[38] + " " +inputBuffer[40]; 
     //skipping outputBuffer[16] position 17 on spreadsheet 
     outputBuffer[20] = inputBuffer[36]; 
     outputBuffer[22] = inputBuffer[37]; 
     outputBuffer[23] = inputBuffer[39]; 
     outputBuffer[24] = inputBuffer[40]; 
     outputBuffer[29] = inputBuffer[27]; 
     outputBuffer[33] = inputBuffer[18]; 
     outputBuffer[34] = inputBuffer[19]; 
     outputBuffer[38] = inputBuffer[39]; 

    * This method uses the fields (array elements) in the output 
    * buffer to assemble a CSV record (string variable). The 
    * CSV record is then written to the output file. 
    public static void BuildRecordAndWriteOutput() 
     string record = ""; 

     for (int i = 0; i < outputBuffer.Length; i++) 
      if (outputBuffer[i].Contains(",")) 
       string x = "\"" + outputBuffer[i] + "\""; 
       record += x; 
       record += outputBuffer[i]; 
      if (i < outputBuffer.Length - 1) 
       record += ","; 


    * This method retrieves information that has been organized and 
    * placed into data structures. The information is then formatted, 
    * placed into, and written to a CSV file. 
    public static void OrganizeDataAndCreateOutput() 
      SetOutputBufferDefaultValues(); // Put default values in the output buffer 
      MapInputFieldsToOutputFields(); // Move fields from the input buffer to the output buffer. 
      BuildRecordAndWriteOutput(); // Build record from output buffer and write it. 

這真的很難看到所有這些代碼的問題。一個[最小,完整和可驗證的例子](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)將幫助回答這個問題,或者在創建一個你會發現你的錯誤的過程中。 – stuartd


除了FileHelpers和CSVHelper之外,還有很多CSV解析器庫,它們已經可以做到這一點以及更多了,我知道更多 – Plutonix


@Plutonix。我只是這樣做來學習邏輯和練習:) – Ashton




class Program 
// File object variables 
static TextFieldParser input = new TextFieldParser("PPVendingPricing.csv"); 
static StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter("convertedInventoryItemListTacMed.csv"); 

// Input and output buffer variables 
static string[] inputBuffer; 
static string[] outputBuffer = new string[40]; 

static void Main(string[] args) 


* This method reads the input file and fill data structures 
* that are used to organize the data before moving selected 
* fields to the output buffer. 
public static void ReadInputAndBuildDataStructures() 

    inputBuffer = input.ReadFields(); // Read a CSV record in to the inputBuffer. 

* This method loads default values into the output 
* buffer (string array). Some of these values will be 
* replaced before the output buffer is written to the file. 
public static void SetOutputBufferDefaultValues() 
    // Initialize all fields to empty. 
    for (int i = 0; i < outputBuffer.Length; i++) 
     outputBuffer[i] = ""; 

    // Update selected fields with default values. 
    outputBuffer[7] = "Solutions Inc"; 
    outputBuffer[10] = "TRUE"; 
    outputBuffer[11] = "FIFO"; 
    outputBuffer[15] = "TRUE"; 
    outputBuffer[17] = "Main"; 
    outputBuffer[19] = "TRUE"; 
    outputBuffer[21] = "Solutions Inc"; 
    outputBuffer[25] = "Main"; 
    outputBuffer[28] = "Periods of Supply"; 
    outputBuffer[32] = "1"; 
    outputBuffer[35] = "By Overall Item Qty"; 
    outputBuffer[36] = "TRUE"; 
    outputBuffer[37] = "TRUE"; 

* This method maps selected values from the input buffer 
* to the appropriate position in the output buffer. 
public static void MapInputFieldsToOutputFields() 
    outputBuffer[0] = inputBuffer[26]; 
    outputBuffer[1] = inputBuffer[38]; 
    outputBuffer[2] = inputBuffer[3]; 
    outputBuffer[3] = inputBuffer[3]; 
    outputBuffer[4] = inputBuffer[40]; 
    outputBuffer[5] = inputBuffer[3]; 
    outputBuffer[6] = inputBuffer[27]; 
    outputBuffer[12] = inputBuffer[13]; 
    outputBuffer[13] = inputBuffer[39]; 
    outputBuffer[14] = inputBuffer[38] + " " +inputBuffer[40]; 
    //skipping outputBuffer[16] position 17 on spreadsheet 
    outputBuffer[20] = inputBuffer[36]; 
    outputBuffer[22] = inputBuffer[37]; 
    outputBuffer[23] = inputBuffer[39]; 
    outputBuffer[24] = inputBuffer[40]; 
    outputBuffer[29] = inputBuffer[27]; 
    outputBuffer[33] = inputBuffer[18]; 
    outputBuffer[34] = inputBuffer[19]; 
    outputBuffer[38] = inputBuffer[39]; 

* This method uses the fields (array elements) in the output 
* buffer to assemble a CSV record (string variable). The 
* CSV record is then written to the output file. 
public static void BuildRecordAndWriteOutput() 
    string record = ""; 

    for (int i = 0; i < outputBuffer.Length; i++) 
     if (outputBuffer[i].Contains(",")) 
      string x = "\"" + outputBuffer[i] + "\""; 
      record += x; 
      record += outputBuffer[i]; 
     if (i < outputBuffer.Length - 1) 
      record += ","; 


* This method retrieves information that has been organized and 
* placed into data structures. The information is then formatted, 
* placed into, and written to a CSV file. 
public static void OrganizeDataAndCreateOutput() 
    input.ReadFields(); // Skip the header record. 
    while (!input.EndOfData) 
     SetOutputBufferDefaultValues(); // Put default values in the output buffer 
     MapInputFieldsToOutputFields(); // Move fields from the input buffer to the output buffer. 
     BuildRecordAndWriteOutput(); // Build record from output buffer and write it. 

我不認爲這是問題。我認爲問題出現在'while(!input.EndOfData) {inputBuffer = input.ReadFields(); //讀入一個CSV記錄到inputBuffer。 }' – stuartd


它似乎只拾取第一條記錄:/也許這是我的方法的佈局?也許我應該放置變量或調用其他方法?謝謝大家的幫助! – Ashton


是的,我的例子中的代碼只會循環一次,因爲我只是展示最簡單的情況。如果添加'testConditional'所在循環的結束條件,那麼它應該適用於你。 –