2016-10-10 80 views

我有這個抽象類,我執行,所有的功能實現的,必須使用遞歸來完成:爪哇 - 插入/刪除到一個排序列表recursivey

public abstract class List<E> implements Iterable<E> { 
protected class Node<T> { 

    protected Node(T data) { 
     this.data = data; 

    protected T data; 
    protected Node<T> next; 

public abstract void insert(E data); 
public abstract void remove(E data); 
public abstract E retrieve(int index); 
public abstract boolean search(E data); 

protected Node<E> head; 


if (key.compareTo(temp.data) == 0){ 



import java.util.Iterator; 
import java.util.Random; 

public class SortedList<E extends Comparable<? super E>> extends List<E> { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

    Random rand = new Random(1); 
    SortedList<Integer> list = new SortedList<Integer>(); 

public Iterator<E> iterator() { 

     return new Iterator<E>() { 
      public boolean hasNext() { 
       return curr != null; 
      public E next() { 
       E temp = curr.data; 
       curr = curr.next; 
       return temp; 
      public void remove() { 
       throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 
      private Node<E> curr = (Node<E>)head; 

public void insert(E data) { 
    Node<E> temp = new Node<E>(data); 
    Node<E> curr = head; 
    if (head == null || data.compareTo(head.data) < 0) { 
      temp.next = head; 
      head = temp; 
    insert(curr, data); 
    private void insert(Node<E> curr, E data){ 
     if (curr.next == null) { 
      curr.next.data = data; 
     } else { 
      curr.next.insert(curr, data); 

public void remove(E data) { 
    Node<E> curr = head; 
    remove(curr, data); 
    private void remove(Node<E> temp, E key){ 
     if (temp == null){ 
     if (key.compareTo(temp.data) == 0){ 

     if (key.compareTo(temp.next.data) == 0){ 
      temp.next = temp.next.next; 
     if (key.compareTo(temp.next.data) < 0){ 
      remove(temp.next, key); 


public E retrieve(int index) 
    Node<E> curr = head; 
    int counter = 0; 
    return retrieve(curr, index, counter); 
private E retrieve(Node<E> temp, int idx, int c) 
     if (idx == c){ 
      return temp.data; 
     return retrieve(temp.next, idx, c++); 

public boolean search(E data) 
    Node<E> curr = head; 
    return search(curr, data); 
    private boolean search(Node<E> temp, E key) 
     if (temp == null){ 
     return false; 
     if (key.compareTo(temp.data) == 0){ 
     return true; 
     if (key.compareTo(temp.data) < 0){ 
     return search(temp.next, key); 
     return false; 







Node<E> temp = new Node<E>(data); 
if(check to see if you want to remove head){ 
    temp.next = head.next; //current head points to next in line so so shall new head(temp); 
    head = temp; //head ref variable points to only new head and old one is inaccessible and will be cleared out during garbage collection. 




private void insert(Node<E> curr, E data){ 
    if (curr.next == null) { 
     curr.next.data = data; //only inserts if next value is null 
    } else { // what about inserting 3, into a list of {1,5}. 
     curr.next.insert(curr, data); 


else if(curr.data <= data && curr.next.data > data){ 
     // you've found the nodes you want to insert in between 
    ... keep searching until you hit a null 

僞代碼將讚賞插入。對於你提到的移除條件,我確實理解這個邏輯,但是我的問題是這個有序列表類的實現,沒有前一個節點,我們「去除」一個節點的方式是將node.next設置爲node.next 。下一個。在這種情況下,沒有指向頭節點的「.next」,這是我迷失的地方。 – witcheR


使用當前節點,只要知道通過鏈接「下一個」來檢查多少個節點,就可以檢查任意數量的節點。我可以檢查curr.next.next。如果我想要3下線。如果明智地使用溫度節點並且檢查線路,則不需要有「前一個」節點。 – Brion


@abdi爲什麼你需要指向頭部的下一個節點?如果您需要在頭部插入,那麼只需將Node ref節點設置爲您的新節點,我相信您目前正在做的正確。對於刪除頭部,您只需指向temp.next = head.next。然後head = temp。沒有辦法訪問這個舊的頭值,它會被gc清除。 – Brion