我正在通過xulschool教程hereXULSchool make:***沒有規則來製作目標'../bin/build','install'需要。停止
目前爲止一切都很順利,但是我遇到了他們包含的makefile的問題。 「讓」工作正常,但「讓安裝」引發錯誤:
"make: *** No rule to make target '../bin/build', needed by 'install'. Stop."
# The name of the extension.
extension_name := xulschoolhello
# The UUID of the extension.
extension_uuid := [email protected]
# The name of the profile dir where the extension can be installed.
profile_dir := XULSchool
# The zip application to be used.
ZIP := zip
# The target location of the build and build files.
bin_dir := ../bin
# The target XPI file.
xpi_file := $(bin_dir)/$(extension_name)2.xpi
# The type of operating system this make command is running on.
os_type := $(patsubst darwin%,darwin,$(shell echo $(OSTYPE)))
# The location of the extension profile.
ifeq ($(os_type), darwin)
profile_location := \
~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/$(profile_dir)/extensions/\{$(extension_uuid)\}
ifeq ($(os_type), linux-gnu)
profile_location := \
profile_location := \
"$(subst \,\\,$(APPDATA))\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\$(profile_dir)\\extensions\\{$(extension_uuid)}"
# The temporary location where the extension tree will be copied and built.
build_dir := $(bin_dir)/build
# This builds the extension XPI file.
.PHONY: all
all: $(xpi_file)
@echo "Build finished successfully."
# This cleans all temporary files and directories created by 'make'.
.PHONY: clean
@rm -rf $(build_dir)
@rm -f $(xpi_file)
@echo "Cleanup is done."
# The sources for the XPI file.
xpi_built := install.rdf \
chrome.manifest \
$(wildcard content/*.js) \
$(wildcard content/*.xul) \
$(wildcard content/*.xml) \
$(wildcard content/*.css) \
$(wildcard skin/*.css) \
$(wildcard skin/*.png) \
$(wildcard locale/*/*.dtd) \
$(wildcard locale/*/*.properties)
# This builds everything except for the actual XPI, and then it copies it to the
# specified profile directory, allowing a quick update that requires no install.
.PHONY: install
install: $(build_dir) $(xpi_built)
@echo "Installing in profile folder: $(profile_location)"
@cp -Rf $(build_dir)/* $(profile_location)
@echo "Installing in profile folder. Done!"
$(xpi_file): $(xpi_built)
@echo "Creating XPI file."
@$(ZIP) $(xpi_file) $(xpi_built)
@echo "Creating XPI file. Done!"
嗯,我得到了相同的問題(win7 x64),但創建配置文件,因此創建該目錄並沒有解決它對我來說。 – user2345998