2014-10-28 37 views


#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <ctime> 
#include <iomanip> 

using namespace std; 

void main() 
const int ROWS = 4; 
string suits[ROWS] = 
    "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Hearts", "Spades" 

const int COLS = 13; 
string faces[COLS] = 
     "Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", 
    "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King" 

int deck[ROWS][COLS] = 

for(int iii = 0; iii < ROWS; iii++) 
    for(int jjj = 0; jjj < COLS; jjj++) 

     cout << deck[iii][jjj] << " " << faces[jjj] << " of " << suits[iii] << endl; 

srand((unsigned) time(0)); 

for(int c = 0; c < ROWS; c++) 
    for(int d = 0; d < COLS; d++) 
     int face = rand() % 13; 
     int suit = rand() % 4; 

     cout << left << setw(5) << " " << faces[face] << " of " << suits[suit] << endl; 
     int e = deck[suit][face]; 
     deck[suit][face] = deck[c][d]; 
     deck[c][d] = e; 
     cout << deck[c][d]; 




1 Ace of Diamonds 
2 Deuce of Diamonds 
3 Three of Diamonds 
4 Four of Diamonds 
5 Five of Diamonds 
6 Six of Diamonds 
7 Seven of Diamonds 
8 Eight of Diamonds 
9 Nine of Diamonds 
10 Ten of Diamonds 


Nine of Clubs 
22  King of Hearts 
39  Queen of Spades 
51  Seven of Spades 
46  Ace of Spades 
40  Six of Spades 
45  Three of Spades 
42  Seven of Hearts 
33  Four of Diamonds 
46  Five of Diamonds 
40  Seven of Diamonds 
42  Queen of Clubs 
25  Five of Clubs 
18  Four of Hearts 
30  Ace of Clubs 
30  Three of Clubs 
16  Jack of Clubs 
24  Deuce of Spades 
41  Eight of Diamonds 
33  Queen of Spades 
3  Seven of Hearts 
8  Jack of Hearts 
37  Eight of Diamonds 
19  Four of Clubs 
24  Queen of Hearts 
38  Three of Hearts 
29  Nine of Clubs 
37  Ace of Diamonds 
22  Ace of Hearts 
37  Queen of Diamonds 
25  Four of Diamonds 
9  Four of Diamonds 
31  Three of Hearts 
37  Nine of Clubs 
27  Nine of Clubs 
34  Ten of Hearts 
36  Five of Hearts 
9  Jack of Clubs 
24  Five of Spades 
44  Seven of Clubs 
3  Six of Hearts 
31  Jack of Spades 
50  Ten of Diamonds 
40  Six of Clubs 
33  Eight of Diamonds 
23  Ten of Hearts 
36  Ace of Hearts 
26  Six of Spades 
23  Nine of Clubs 
35  Seven of Clubs 
5  Five of Hearts 
1  Five of Diamonds 
10Press any key to continue . . . 





至於對齊問題,請檢查['setw()'I/O流操縱器](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip)。至於你的第一個問題,C++中的索引開始於'0',而不是'1'!你的第一副牌應該有'{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}'aso。 – 2014-10-28 17:02:11


「更多幫助」不是一個問題。而且帖子中陳述的問題過於寬泛(沒有提及它不止一個問題)。請關注一個特定的問題。它不僅會幫助你在SO上得到答案,甚至可以自己解決問題。 – BartoszKP 2014-10-28 17:05:41


使用調試器總是比使用StackOverflow查找問題的效率更高。 – 2014-10-28 17:25:18




要轉換卡號回臉和西裝,你需要採取從deck陣列讀取的卡號,評估x/13得到一個索引到suit[]陣列,並x % 13得到索引到faces[]陣列。

最後但並非最不重要的是,你的洗牌並不完美。在實踐中,對於測試程序它可以,但是如果你想要認真的話,你應該修改它以使用Fisher-Yates算法。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle一見鍾情,看起來完全相同,但對隨機數發生器參數的修改卻有所不同。

也避開圖書館提供的rand(),它通常很爛。我使用的是異或RNG http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorshift,因爲它非常好,因爲它足以讓蒙特卡洛使用,而且速度非常快。


