運行jQuery腳本我有一個負載執行jQuery腳本的ASP.net MVC頁。 該腳本在控制器上調用一個動作並保存下拉列表。頁面不負載
這個工程我的開發計算機上,但在部署到Web服務器(贏2K3機器上運行IIS 6)在頁面加載,但它不運行造成空下拉列表中的腳本。
<asp:Content ID="MainContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Wait for the document to be ready
var selectedApp = $('#selectedApplication').val();
var selectedMac = $('#selectedMachine').val();
// Get the list of applications and populate the applications drop down list
$.getJSON("/ApplicationSettings/Applications/List", function(data)
var items = "<option>----------- Select Application to Configure ----------</option>";
$.each(data, function(i, application)
var selected = (application.Value == selectedApp) ? 'selected' : '';
items += "<option value='" + application.Value + "'" + selected + ">" + application.Text + "</option>";
// Get the list of machines where the selected application is installed and populate the machines drop down list
if ($("#Applications").attr("value") != "")
// Enable the Machines DDL if a valid application is selected
// Populate the machines DDL with a list of machines where the selected application is installed
$.getJSON("/ApplicationSettings/Machines/List/" + $("#Applications > option:selected").attr("value"), function(data)
// Set the first item in the list
var items = "<option>---------- Select Machine -----------</option>";
// Retrieve the list of machines for th selected application from the database
$.each(data, function(i, machine)
var selected = (machine.Value == selectedMac) ? 'selected' : '';
items += "<option value='" + machine.Value + "'" + selected + ">" + machine.Text + "</option>";
// Add the items retrieved to the Machines DDL
if ($("#Machines").attr("value") != "")
$("#btnSearch").attr("disabled", "disabled");
// If a valid application has not been selected then disable the Machines DDL
$("#Machines").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#btnSearch").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (selectedApp != "")
$.getJSON("/ApplicationSettings/Machines/List/" + selectedApp, function(data)
var items = "<option>---------- Select Machine -----------</option>";
$.each(data, function(i, machine)
var selected = (machine.Value == selectedMac) ? 'selected' : '';
items += "<option value='" + machine.Value + "'" + selected + ">" + machine.Text + "</option>";
if (selectedMac != "")
$("#btnSearch").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#Machines").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#btnSearch").attr("disabled", "disabled");
function saveSelectedApplication()
if ($("#Applications").attr("value") != "")
if ($("#Machines").attr("value") != "")
$("#btnSearch").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#Machines").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#btnSearch").attr("disabled", "disabled");
function saveSelectedMachine()
if ($("#Machines").attr("value") != "")
$("#btnSearch").attr("disabled", "disabled");
您的腳本是否在運行?腳本頂部的簡單提醒? – littlechris 2009-09-22 19:58:09
你在你的global.asax文件中使用任何自定義路由嗎?您在下面留下的評論與我在實施如下之前得到的錯誤是一樣的。我相信由於我的腳本路徑問題,JS運行得太早。 – littlechris 2009-09-22 20:24:41
劇本是有定位的作用在該行 $ .getJSON( 「/的applicationSettings /應用/列表」 中輸入功能(數據) 一個問題,如果我將其更改爲\t \t \t $ .getJSON(」 ../的applicationSettings /應用程序/列表「,功能(數據) 它的工作原理 我想我真的需要做的是能夠正確地解決行動的路徑不知道如何做到這一點在jquery 任何想法? – user99513 2009-09-22 20:58:50