我使用Python 3.6,OpenCV3和PyQT5在Windows中編寫專門的視頻播放器。但是,播放以每秒30.0幀記錄的視頻文件時播放較慢(從我的筆記本電腦攝像頭錄製)。視頻播放速度很慢 - Python 3.6,OpenCV 3,PyQT 5
我將我的應用程序剝離到播放視頻的最佳部分。然後,我將應用程序中的回放循環從每幀15毫秒變爲每幀34毫秒,並記錄每個循環時間。接下來,我計算了每個循環速度下232幀播放的平均循環時間。結果令人費解。應用程序的行爲與15 ms到19 ms的循環相同,但當應用程序指定循環的時間爲20 ms到31 ms時,應用程序的性能保持穩定31.2 ms。然後,當應用程序指定的循環慢於31毫秒時,循環時間再次跳轉。
Application = 15msec, Average Result = 15.0msec, Difference = 0.0msec
Application = 16msec, Average Result = 16.0msec, Difference = 0.0msec
Application = 17msec, Average Result = 17.0msec, Difference = 0.0msec
Application = 18msec, Average Result = 18.0msec, Difference = 0.0msec
Application = 19msec, Average Result = 19.0msec, Difference = 0.0msec
Application = 20msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 11.2msec
Application = 21msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 10.2msec
Application = 22msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 9.2msec
Application = 23msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 8.2msec
Application = 24msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 7.2msec
Application = 25msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 6.2msec
Application = 26msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 5.2msec
Application = 27msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 4.2msec
Application = 28msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 3.2msec
Application = 29msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 2.2msec
Application = 30msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 1.2msec
Application = 31msec, Average Result = 31.2msec, Difference = 0.2msec
Application = 32msec, Average Result = 39.1msec, Difference = 7.1msec
Application = 33msec, Average Result = 46.8msec, Difference = 13.8msec
Application = 34msec, Average Result = 46.8msec, Difference = 12.8msec
我希望播放速度爲真正的速率,這應該是1 /(幀速率)。
有沒有人有任何建議,爲什麼發生這種情況?這是代碼。 (我沒有包含pydesigner創建的GUI代碼)。
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
from time import time
import sys
import cv2
import vidtest # GUI Module created by pydesigner
class VideoCapture(QMainWindow, vidtest.Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.setupUi(self) # This is defined in design.py file automatically
self.durations = []
def nextFrameSlot(self):
ret, frame = self.cap.read()
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
x = frame.shape[1]
y = frame.shape[0]
img = QImage(frame, x, y, QImage.Format_RGB888)
pix = QPixmap.fromImage(img)
a = time() # Used to record loop time
self.durations.append(a) # Used to record loop time
def start(self):
self.timer = QTimer()
print("Rate = ", self.vid_rate)
def loadVideoFile(self):
self.videoFileName = "stopwatch.avi"
self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(self.videoFileName))
self.frame_rate = self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
self.vid_rate = 34 # reset this integer from 15 through 34
def closeApplication(self):
for i in self.durations:
print (i)
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
form = VideoCapture()
if __name__ == '__main__':
鑑於Windows的默認計時器分辨率爲15.6ms,31.2ms的值有點可疑。你有沒有嘗試將'QTimer'的['TimerType'](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtimer.html#timerType-prop)屬性設置爲'PreciseTimer'? – user3419537
PreciseTimer修復了這個問題。謝謝!它現在效果很好。 – slalomchip