我想創建一個轉換器,它將geoJSON文件作爲輸入並將每個座標除以1000,然後返回geoJSON。PHP JSON轉換器「不支持的操作數類型」錯誤
// Copy file content into a string var
$Json_File = file_get_contents("static/data/pol_gem.json");
// Convert the string to a json object
$Json = json_decode($Json_File);
//Declare features variable
$JSONFeatures = array();
//Loop through each feature
foreach ($Json->features as $Feature)
//Create array which contains coordinate data of feature
$CoordinateData = array();
//Loop through each coordinate pair of feature
foreach ($Feature->geometry->coordinates as $Coordinates)
//Create scaled coordinate pair array
$ScaledCoordinates = array();
//Loop through every coordinate of coordinate pair
foreach ($Coordinates as $Coordinate)
//Divide coordinate
$ScaledCoordinate = $Coordinate/1000.00; // ****** ERROR LINE ******
//add coordinate to coordinate pair array
$ScaledCoordinates[] = $ScaledCoordinate;
//Add coordinate pair array to coordinate array of feature
$CoordinateData[] = $ScaledCoordinates;
//Build feature JSON
$CurrentFeature = [
"type" => "Feature",
"geometry" => [
"type" => "Polygon",
"coordinates" => $CoordinateData,
"properties" => $Feature->properties
//Add current feature to features array
$JSONFeatures[] = $CurrentFeature;
//Create JSON File
$JSONMapData = [
"type" => "FeatureCollection",
"features" => $JSONFeatures
我得到的錯誤: 「不支持的操作類型 500內部服務器錯誤 - FatalThrowableError」。
如果我刪除「/ 1000.00」,它將返回與輸入文件相同的JSON而不會出錯。
的GeoJSON的輸入文件的 「靜態/數據/ pol_gem.json」(太大引擎收錄):
什麼是你要分開兩個值?什麼是'$座標'? – deceze
它是一個浮點數 – Orlando
你確定'$ Coordinate'是浮點類型,而不是一個字符串,或者甚至還埋藏在另一個更深的數組中? – WillardSolutions