TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'
#Exception Handling
#If you haven't seen them before, you're not trying hard enough. What are they? Errors. Exceptions. Problems. Know what I'm talking about? I got it with this program:
#Code Example 1 - buggy program
def menu(list, question):
for entry in list:
print (1 + list.index(entry),)
print (")" + entry)
return input(question) -1
answer = menu(['A','B','C','D','E','F','H','I'],\
'Which letter is your favourite?')
print ('You picked answer ' + (answer + 1))
您可能使用的是錯誤版本的Python。在2.7中,如果用戶輸入一個整數,'input'將返回一個整數;在3.x中,它將返回一個字符串。 – Kevin
你想輸入什麼?字母或數字? –
我猜你試圖關注[this](http://www.sthurlow.com/python/lesson11/)教程。直言不諱,我建議找一個新的教程;這一個沒有被編輯得很好。第一個代碼示例使用'input',但他聲稱生成的堆棧跟蹤是指'raw_input'。那裏有奇怪的事情發生。而且他建議下載Python 2.4並不令人鼓舞。 – Kevin