from itertools import groupby
#open the auth.log for reading
myAuthlog=open('auth.log', 'r')
# Goes through the log file line by line and produces a list then looks for 'Failed password for'
myAuthlog = (line for line in myAuthlog if "Failed password for" in line)
# Groups all the times and dates together
for key, group in groupby(myAuthlog, key = lambda x: x[:9]):
month, day, hour = key[0:3], key[4:6], key[7:9]
# prints the results out in a format to understand e.g date, time then amount of attacks
print "On%s-%s at %s:00 There was %d attacks"%(day, month, hour, len(list(group)))
Feb 3 13:34:05 j4-be02 sshd[676]: Failed password for root from port 48495 ssh2
Feb 3 21:45:18 j4-be02 sshd[746]: Failed password for invalid user test from port 50636 ssh2
Feb 4 08:39:46 j4-be02 sshd[1078]: Failed password for root from port 60740 ssh2
On 3-Feb at 21:00 There was 1 attacks
On 4-Feb at 08:00 There was 15 attacks
On 4-Feb at 10:00 There was 60 attacks
,但我想這一切在同一行打印出來 – Daniel