試圖在測試類設置數值爲捲起彙總字段,以提高代碼覆蓋率。我該怎麼做?的Apex測試類 - 如何設置一個彙總數場測試類
public class clsPreferredIASetExt {
List<PreferredIA__c> preferredias;
public static PreferredIA__c[] tobeClosed = new PreferredIA__c[0];
public static PreferredIA__c[] newPreIAs = new PreferredIA__c[0];
public static PreferredIA__c loopadd;
public static PreferredContact__c[] contactlists = new PreferredContact__c[0];
public static Account[] InvoicedAccounts = new Account[0];
public static PreferredIA__c[] monkey;
public clspreferrediaSetExt(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
preferredias = (List<PreferredIA__c>) controller.getSelected();
public void getInitCloseInv() {
tobeclosed = [select id, Account__c, Account__r.id, Account__r.Name,
Account__r.AccountNumber, Specialist__c,
PreferredInvoice__c, Status__c
from PreferredIA__c where Status__c = 'Invoiced' limit 150];
list<string> testme = new list<string>{};
for(PreferredIA__c a:tobeclosed) {
InvoicedAccounts = [select id, EligibleIAs__c, PreferredOverride__c,
Preferred_Territory__r.rep__c, LastSurveyDate__c,
InitialInspectionComplete__c, Program_level__c,
PreferredExempt__c, Account_Status__c,
Active_IAs__c, Last_Training__c
from Account where id IN :testme];
Contactlists = [select id, Account__c
from PreferredContact__c where Account__c IN :testme];
for(PreferredIA__c q:tobeclosed) {
q.Status__c = 'Closed';
for(Account z:invoicedaccounts) {
The following condition is where I am trying to set the z.EligibleIAs__c
which is a roll up count field of PreferredIA__c objects associated with
the account.
if(z.EligibleIAs__c == 0
&& z.Program_Level__c == 'Preferred'
&& !z.PreferredExempt__c
&& (z.Account_Status__c == 'Active'
|| z.Account_Status__c == 'Product Only')) {
loopadd = new PreferredIA__c();
loopadd.Account__c = z.id;
if(z.PreferredOverride__c != null) {
loopadd.Specialist__c = z.PreferredOverride__c;
else {
loopadd.Specialist__c= z.Preferred_territory__r.Rep__c;
for(PreferredContact__c q:contactlists) {
if(q.Account__c == z.id) {
loopadd.PreferredContact__c = q.id;
loopadd.CreatedDate__c = Date.Today();
if(z.Last_training__c != null) {
loopadd.DueDate__c = z.Last_Training__c.AddDays(365);
else {
loopadd.DueDate__c = Date.Today().AddDays(365);
loopadd.initial__c = false;
loopadd.Status__c = 'Unacknowledged';
z.InitialInspectionComplete__c = true;
try {
update tobeclosed;
update invoicedaccounts;
insert newPreIAs;
catch(system.dmlexception q) {
public void ReceivePPW() {
monkey = [select id, Status__c from PreferredIA__c
where id in :preferredias and status__c = 'Training Completed'];
for (PreferredIA__c m:monkey) {
m.status__c = 'Awaiting Invoice';
update monkey;
非常感謝你! – user1139662 2012-01-17 20:14:39