2016-10-03 18 views


Last login: Sun Oct 2 19:55:45 on ttys000 
    Variables may not be used as commands. In fish, please define a function or use 'eval $budspencer_colors[10]'. 
    ~/.local/share/omf/themes/budspencer/fish_greeting.fish (line 2):  $budspencer_colors[10] 
    in command substitution 
     called on line 19 of file ~/.local/share/omf/themes/budspencer/fish_greeting.fish 

    in function 'fish_greeting' 
     called on line 123 of file /usr/local/Cellar/fish/HEAD-53f1eba/share/fish/functions/__fish_config_interactive.fish 

    in function '__fish_config_interactive' 
     called on line 180 of file /usr/local/Cellar/fish/HEAD-53f1eba/share/fish/config.fish 

    in function '__fish_on_interactive' 
     called on standard input 

    in event handler: handler for generic event 'fish_prompt' 

    This is budspencer theme for fish, a theme for nerds. 
    Type »budspencer_help« in order to see how you can speed up your workflow. 
    1  ✔  


brew install --with-default-names gnu-sed 
