2013-10-31 144 views


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

GREEK = u'ΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘ ΙΚΛΜ ΝΞΟΠ ΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ αβγδ εζηθ ικλμ νξοπ ρςτυ φχψω' 

print GREEK 


$ python test.py 
ΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘ ΙΚΛΜ ΝΞΟΠ ΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ αβγδ εζηθ ικλμ νξοπ ρςτυ φχψω 


$ python test.py | less 

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "test.py", line 5, in <module> 
    print GREEK 
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(128) 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "ddd.py", line 5, in <module> 
    print GREEK 
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(128) 
  • 這是爲什麼失敗?爲什麼重定向會影響程序的運行方式?我本來期望在shell中運行的程序是總是重定向:有時是到終端程序,有時是到另一個程序(在這種情況下爲less)。爲什麼「目標」程序會影響源程序的執行?
  • 我可以做些什麼來確保程序獨立運行,無論它是發送到終端還是發送到另一個目的地?

和http:// stackove rflow.com/questions/17918746/print-unicode-string-to-console-ok-but-fails-when-redirect-to-a-file-how-to-fix/17918823#17918823和http:// stackoverflow。理解-python-unicode-and-linux-terminal和http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17430168/python-encoding-issue-when-using-linux –


首先,_you_知道什麼編碼其他程序期望它的stdin?如果是這樣,你必須告訴Python。如果沒有,這裏沒有合理的答案,因爲Python不能在你不能的時候奇蹟般地知道它...... – abarnert




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

GREEK = u'ΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘ ΙΚΛΜ ΝΞΟΠ ΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ αβγδ εζηθ ικλμ νξοπ ρςτυ φχψω' 

print GREEK.encode('utf-8') 



這是一個替代方案,但它意味着我的代碼中的很多變化:現在所有的打印語句必須改變:( – dangonfast


我還有一個問題:我如何管道(在這種情況下'less')知道輸入流的編碼? – dangonfast


AFAIK,我不認爲該功能可用。唯一的方法是確保一切都編碼正確 – aIKid



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import sys 

def set_output_encoding(encoding='utf-8'): 
    import sys 
    import codecs 
    '''When piping to the terminal, python knows the encoding needed, and 
     sets it automatically. But when piping to another program (for example, 
     | less), python can not check the output encoding. In that case, it 
     is None. What I am doing here is to catch this situation for both 
     stdout and stderr and force the encoding''' 
    current = sys.stdout.encoding 
    if current is None : 
     sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(encoding)(sys.stdout) 
    current = sys.stderr.encoding 
    if current is None : 
     sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter(encoding)(sys.stderr) 

GREEK = u'ΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘ ΙΚΛΜ ΝΞΟΠ ΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ αβγδ εζηθ ικλμ νξοπ ρςτυ φχψω' 


print GREEK 
print >> sys.stderr, GREEK 


python ddd.py    # Do not pipe anything 
python ddd.py | less  # Pipe stdout, let stderr go to the terminal 
python ddd.py 2>&1 | less # Pipe both stdout and stderr to less 


ΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘ ΙΚΛΜ ΝΞΟΠ ΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ αβγδ εζηθ ικλμ νξοπ ρςτυ φχψω 
ΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘ ΙΚΛΜ ΝΞΟΠ ΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ αβγδ εζηθ ικλμ νξοπ ρςτυ φχψω 

這是一個很好的解決方案! – aIKid