2016-07-11 37 views


我想實現this算法,但我目前卡在當地的最大值部分。 Matlab有一個內置的findpeaks()方法,它定位給定數據集的所有局部最大值。

下面是我嘗試實現算法,但我仍然從它得到非常巨大的結果。 首先,使用由實際步驟組成的數據集,該算法計算所採取步驟的數量爲990+。我調整和調試了它,並且我設法將這個數字降低到了660,然後110最終變成了當前的45。目前我只是卡住,並有一種感覺,我的findpeaks()方法是錯誤的。


import Foundation 

class StepCounter 
    private var xAxes: [Double] = [Double]() 
    private var yAxes: [Double] = [Double]() 
    private var zAxes: [Double] = [Double]() 
    private var rmsValues: [Double] = [Double]() 

    init(graphPoints: GraphPoints) 
    xAxes = graphPoints.xAxes 
    yAxes = graphPoints.yAxes 
    zAxes = graphPoints.zAxes 
    rmsValues = graphPoints.rmsValues 

func numberOfSteps()-> Int 
    var pointMagnitudes: [Double] = rmsValues 


    let minimumPeakHeight: Double = standardDeviationOf(pointMagnitudes) 

    let peaks = findPeaks(&pointMagnitudes) 

    var totalNumberOfSteps: Int = Int() 

    for thisPeak in peaks 
     if thisPeak > minimumPeakHeight 
      totalNumberOfSteps += 1 

    return totalNumberOfSteps 

// TODO: dummy method for the time being. replaced with RMS values from controller itself 
private func calculateMagnitude()-> [Double] 
    var pointMagnitudes: [Double] = [Double]() 

    for i in 0..<xAxes.count 
     let sumOfAxesSquare: Double = pow(xAxes[i], 2) + pow(yAxes[i], 2) + pow(zAxes[i], 2) 

    return pointMagnitudes 

private func removeGravityEffectsFrom(inout magnitudesWithGravityEffect: [Double]) 
    let mean: Double = calculateMeanOf(rmsValues) 

    for i in 0..<magnitudesWithGravityEffect.count 
     magnitudesWithGravityEffect[i] -= mean 

// Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation 
private func standardDeviationOf(magnitudes: [Double])-> Double 
    var sumOfElements: Double = Double() 
    var mutableMagnitudes: [Double] = magnitudes 

    // calculates the numerator of the equation 
    /* no need to do (mutableMagnitudes[i] = mutableMagnitudes[i] - mean) 
    * because it has already been done when the gravity effect was removed 
    * from the dataset 
    for i in 0..<mutableMagnitudes.count 
     mutableMagnitudes[i] = pow(mutableMagnitudes[i], 2) 

    // sum the elements 
    for thisElement in mutableMagnitudes 
     sumOfElements += thisElement 

    let sampleVariance: Double = sumOfElements/Double(mutableMagnitudes.count) 

    return sqrt(sampleVariance) 

// Reference: http://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/findpeaks.html#examples 
private func findPeaks(inout magnitudes: [Double])-> [Double] 
    var peaks: [Double] = [Double]() 

    // ignore the first element 
    peaks.append(max(magnitudes[1], magnitudes[2])) 

    for i in 2..<magnitudes.count 
     if i != magnitudes.count - 1 
      peaks.append(max(magnitudes[i], magnitudes[i - 1], magnitudes[i + 1])) 

    // TODO:Does this affect the number of steps? Are they clumsly lost or foolishly added? 
    peaks = Array(Set(peaks)) // removing duplicates. 

    return peaks 

private func calculateMeanOf(magnitudes: [Double])-> Double 
    var sumOfElements: Double = Double() 

    for thisElement in magnitudes 
     sumOfElements += thisElement 

    return sumOfElements/Double(magnitudes.count) 






因爲我想實現Matlab的內置'findpeaks()'方法的iOS – eshirima


在你的'findPeaks'方法中,你爲什麼要這樣做:'peaks.append(max(magnitude [i],magnitude [i-1],magnitude [i + 1]))'?如果最大值是[幅度] [i]',你不應該只是追加值嗎? – jjatie


*「他們是笨拙地丟失還是愚蠢地加入?」*兩者。當然,兩個不相關的峯值可能具有相同的值,在這種情況下,您將丟棄有效的峯值。另一方面,如果數據有微小的振盪,你會計算太多的峯值。例如,這個數據在36點有一個峯值,但你會計算出3個峯值:33,34,33,34,35,34,35,36,35,34,35,34,33,34,33。 – user3386109



此功能與您所提供的例子。它將高原作爲一個峯值,並允許具有相同值的多個峯值。唯一的問題是 - @ user3386109指出 - 如果數據中有很多小的振盪,你會得到比實際存在更多的峯值。如果你要處理這樣的數據,你可能想在這個計算中實現數據集的變化。


private func findPeaks(magnitudes: [Double]) -> [Double] { 

    var peaks = [Double]() 
    // Only store initial point, if it is larger than the second. You can ignore in most data sets 
    if max(magnitudes[0], magnitudes[1]) == magnitudes[0] { peaks.append(magnitudes[0]) } 

    for i in 1..<magnitudes.count - 2 { 
     let maximum = max(magnitudes[i - 1], magnitudes[i], magnitudes[i + 1]) 
     // magnitudes[i] is a peak iff it's greater than it's surrounding points 
     if maximum == magnitudes[i] && magnitudes[i] != magnitudes[i+1] { 
    return peaks 

非常感謝你。如果我有足夠的S/O代表,我會打破投票按鈕。非常感謝。 – eshirima