Find all official languages, the country for which it is spoken, and the percentage of speakers
(percentage of speakers is calculated as percentage spoken times country population divided by 100).
Order results by the total number of speakers with the most popular language first. (238 results)
Query failed: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "city" LINE 1: ...kers FROM lab2.country AS
co JOIN lab2.country ON lab2.city....^
case 11:
$q = "SELECT name, language, ((pecentage * population)/100) AS
percentage_of_speakers FROM lab2.country AS co JOIN lab2.country ON lab2.city.country_code WHERE
(is_official IS TRUE) ORDER BY percentage_of_speakers DESC";
$result = pg_query($q) or die ('Query failed: '. pg_last_error());
Table "lab2.country_language"
Column | Type | Modifiers
country_code | character(3) | not null default ''::bpchar
language | character varying(30) | not null default ''::character varying
is_official | boolean | not null default false
percentage | real | not null default 0::real
Table "lab2.country"
Column | Type | Modifiers
country_code | character(3) | not null default ''::bpchar
name | character varying(52) | not null default ''::character varying
continent | continent | not null
region | character varying(26) | not null default ''::character varying
surface_area | real | not null default 0::real
indep_year | smallint |
population | integer | not null default 0
對你有好的嘗試解決問題很有幫助。 ([同一課程中的另一名學生較早發佈了這種較差的嘗試](http://stackoverflow.com/q/25913964/398670))。但是,在將來,當請求幫助做家庭作業時,請說它是作業。 – 2014-09-19 01:06:45