Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE company='ABC' AND branch='26' AND owner IS NULL' at line 1
$sql="SELECT * FROM spr ORDER BY id WHERE company='$_SESSION[company]' AND branch='$_SESSION[branch]' AND owner IS NULL";
我看不出有什麼與我的查詢會錯。 Someboby幫助請...
請了解使用參數化查詢,最好使用PDO。您的代碼使用不受信任的數據來構建可執行的SQL代碼,這會讓您打開SQL注入。 http://bobby-tables.com/php.html向您展示了多種在PHP中執行參數化查詢的方法。 –