2012-10-01 22 views


問題是,有很多代碼重複和 我相信有一種優雅的方式來編寫一個抽象類,可以避免它。 我不知道我應該如何申報這個課程。 下面是音量類:

import java.math.BigDecimal; 

import lombok.Data; 

public class Volume { 

public enum Unit 
    CUBIC_METER(new BigDecimal("1")), // CUBIC_METER 
    // 1 m3 = 61023.7 inch3 
    CUBIC_INCH(new BigDecimal("61023.7")); 
    private Unit(BigDecimal m3Value) 
     this.m3Value = m3Value; 

    public final BigDecimal m3Value; 
// internally, we store the volume in m3 
private final BigDecimal volumeInM3; 

public Volume() 
    volumeInM3 = BigDecimal.ZERO; 

public Volume(final String volumeValue, final Unit volumeUnit) 
    this(new BigDecimal(volumeValue), volumeUnit); 

public Volume(final BigDecimal volumeValue, final Unit volumeUnit) 
    if (volumeValue.signum() == 0) 
     volumeInM3 = BigDecimal.ZERO; 
     volumeInM3 = volumeValue.divide(volumeUnit.m3Value, NumberUtil.MC); 

* Return the volume in the unit given in param 
* @param volumeUnit 
* @return 
public BigDecimal getAs(final Unit volumeUnit) 
    return volumeInM3.multiply(volumeUnit.m3Value, NumberUtil.MC); 

public Volume add(final Volume volumeToAdd) 
    BigDecimal newVolumeValue = volumeToAdd.volumeInM3.add(volumeInM3, NumberUtil.MC); 
    return new Volume(newVolumeValue, Volume.Unit.CUBIC_METER); 

public Volume divide(final Volume divisor) 
    BigDecimal newVolumeValue = volumeInM3.divide(divisor.volumeInM3, NumberUtil.MC); 
    return new Volume(newVolumeValue, Volume.Unit.CUBIC_METER); 

public boolean isZero() 
    if (volumeInM3.signum() == 0) 
     return true; 
    return false; 

public boolean isEqual(final Volume another) 
    if (volumeInM3.compareTo(another.volumeInM3) == 0) 
     return true; 
    return false; 


import java.math.BigDecimal; 

import lombok.Data; 

public class Weight { 

// the value stored with enum is the value used to convert the unit to kilogramm, 
// wich is the reference unit 
public enum Unit 
    KILOGRAM(new BigDecimal("1")), 
    // 1 kg = 1000 g 
    GRAM(new BigDecimal("1000")), 
    // 1 kg = 2.20462 pounds 
    POUND(new BigDecimal("2.20462")); 

    private Unit(BigDecimal kgValue) 
     this.kgValue = kgValue; 

    private final BigDecimal kgValue; 

// internally, we store the weight inKg 
private final BigDecimal weightInKg; 

public Weight() 
    weightInKg = BigDecimal.ZERO; 

public Weight(final String weightValue, final Unit weightUnit) 
    this(new BigDecimal(weightValue), weightUnit); 

public Weight(final BigDecimal weightValue, final Unit weightUnit) 
    if (weightValue.signum() == 0) 
     weightInKg = BigDecimal.ZERO; 
     weightInKg = weightValue.divide(weightUnit.kgValue, NumberUtil.MC); 

* Return the weight in the unit given in param 
* @param weightUnit 
* @return 
public BigDecimal getAs(final Unit weightUnit) 
    return weightInKg.multiply(weightUnit.kgValue, NumberUtil.MC); 

public Weight add(final Weight weightToAdd) 
    BigDecimal newWeightValue = weightToAdd.weightInKg.add(weightInKg, NumberUtil.MC); 
    return new Weight(newWeightValue, Weight.Unit.KILOGRAM); 

public Weight divide(final Weight divisor) 
    BigDecimal newWeightValue = weightInKg.divide(divisor.weightInKg, NumberUtil.MC); 
    return new Weight(newWeightValue, Weight.Unit.KILOGRAM); 
public boolean isZero() 
    if (weightInKg.signum() == 0) 
     return true; 
    return false; 

public boolean isEqual(final Weight another) 
    if (weightInKg.compareTo(another.weightInKg) == 0) 
     return true; 
    return false; 


Volume myCubicMeter, myCubicInch; 
myCubicMeter = new Volume("1", Volume.Unit.CUBIC_METER); 
myCubicInch = new Volume("1", Volume.Unit.CUBIC_INCH); 

我想要實現的是一個抽象類,它將實現所有的方法並強制子類實現枚舉值。 什麼是正確的方法來做到這一點?


你可能想看看jscience HTTP://www.unitsofmeasurement .org /看看他們做了什麼 –






class VolumeUnit extends AbstractUnit { 
    public static final VolumeUnit CUBIC_METER = new VolumeUnit(params); 

    VolumeUnit(..) { 

我看到了,我應該添加一個參數化屬性來存儲基本類型值(CUBIC_METER,KILOGRAM)? – user1713042