2011-07-04 49 views



我已經成功地使用了它......看起來是什麼問題?一旦你下載了這些文件,通過選擇「Newn Android Project」,「Create project form existing source」和「Finish」,將項目帶入Eclipse。從那裏,按照有關更改包名稱等方面的指示...


通常的樣品以正在進行的「新的Android項目 - >從現有的樣本項目」建成,然後選擇一個API級別。缺少的項目文件可以防止這種情況,但從現有源創建應該可以正常工作。 –


據我所知,我通過Android SDK Manager下載的樣本Dungeons應用內結算項目甚至沒有編譯(這似乎已修復,請稍後在本郵件中查看我的評論..)。


/cygdrive/k/android-sdk-windows/extras/google/play_billing $ find . -name '*.xml' -exec grep edit_payload_title {} \; -print 

     android:text="@string/edit_payload_title" /> 

/cygdrive/k/android-sdk-windows/extras/google/play_billing $ 


Description Resource Path Location Type 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@color/screen_background'). item_row.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 20 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@color/screen_background'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 20 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'prompt' with value     '@string/select_item'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 52 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/buy'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 47 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/edit_payload_title'). edit_payload.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 25 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/edit_payload'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 58 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/items_for_sale'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 34 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/items_you_own'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 64 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/recent_transactions'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 80 Android AAPT Problem 
    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'textColor' with value '@color/error_message'). main.xml /Dungeons/res/layout line 28 Android AAPT Problem 


/cygdrive/k/android-sdk-windows/extras/google/play_billing $ find . -name '*.xml' -exec  grep edit_payload_title {} \; -print 
     android:text="@string/edit_payload_title" /> 
    <string name="edit_payload_title">Edit the developer payload associated with this purchase</string> 