2011-08-13 109 views

我遇到以下代碼的問題。它似乎響應了退出鍵,但它凍結真的很糟糕。我用python 2.7和pygame使用pyscripter。PYTHON使用退出鍵退出故障

# An example implementation of the algorithm described at 
# http://www.niksula.cs.hut.fi/~hkankaan/Homepages/metaballs.html 
# The code contains some references to the document above, in form 
# ### Formula (x) 
# to make clear where each of the formulas is implemented (and what 
# it looks like in Python) 
# Since Python doesn't have an in-built vector type, I used complex 
# numbers for coordinates (x is the real part, y is the imaginary part) 
# Made by Hannu Kankaanpää. Use for whatever you wish. 

import math 

import pygame 
from pygame.locals import * 

def main(): 
    # This is where the execution starts. 
    # First initialize the screen. 
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) 

    # Then create a couple of balls 
    balls = [Ball(350 + 100j, size=3), 
      Ball(20 + 200j, size=2), 
      Ball(280 + 140j, size=4), 
      Ball(400 + 440j, size=3)] 

    # And a metaball system (see below for class definition) 
    mbs = MetaballSystem(balls, goo=2.0, threshold=0.0004, screen=screen) 

    while True: 
     # clear screen with black 
     screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) 

     # move ball number 0 according to mouse position 
     if pygame.mouse.get_focused(): 
      balls[0].pos = complex(*pygame.mouse.get_pos()) 

     # Draw the balls. 
     # Try different methods: euler, rungeKutta2 and rungeKutta4 
     drawBalls(differentialMethod=rungeKutta2, metaballSystem=mbs, 
        step=20, screen=screen) 

     # exit when esc is pressed 
     for event in pygame.event.get(): 
      if event.type == QUIT: 
      elif event.type == KEYDOWN: 
       if event.key == K_ESCAPE: 

def drawBalls(differentialMethod, metaballSystem, step, screen): 
    mbs = metaballSystem 
    balls = mbs.balls 

    # First, track the border for all balls and store 
    # it to pos0 and edgePos. The latter will move along the border, 
    # pos0 stays at the initial coordinates. 
    for ball in balls: 
     ball.pos0 = mbs.trackTheBorder(ball.pos + 1j) 
     ball.edgePos = ball.pos0 
     ball.tracking = True 

    loopIndex = 0 
    while loopIndex < 200: 
     loopIndex += 1 
     for ball in balls: 
      if not ball.tracking: 

      # store the old coordinates 
      old_pos = ball.edgePos 

      # walk along the tangent, using chosen differential method 
      ball.edgePos = differentialMethod(ball.edgePos, step, mbs.calcTangent) 

      # correction step towards the border 
      ball.edgePos, tmp = mbs.stepOnceTowardsBorder(ball.edgePos) 

      pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 255, 255), 
          (old_pos.real, old_pos.imag), 
          (ball.edgePos.real, ball.edgePos.imag)) 

      # check if we've gone a full circle or hit some other 
      # edge tracker 
      for ob in balls: 
       if (ob is not ball or loopIndex > 3) and \ 
        abs(ob.pos0 - ball.edgePos) < step: 
        ball.tracking = False 

     tracking = 0 
     for ball in balls: 
      if ball.tracking: 
       tracking += 1 
     if tracking == 0: 

class Ball: 
    """Single metaball.""" 
    def __init__(self, pos, size): 
     self.pos = pos 
     self.size = size 

class MetaballSystem: 
    """A class that manages the metaballs and can calculate 
     several useful values from the system. 

    def __init__(self, balls, goo, threshold, screen): 
     self.balls = balls 
     self.goo = goo 
     self.threshold = threshold 
     self.minSize = min([ball.size for ball in balls]) 
     self.screen = screen 

    def calcForce(self, pos): 
     """Return the metaball field's force at point 'pos'.""" 
     force = 0 
     for ball in self.balls: 
      ### Formula (1) 
      div = abs(ball.pos - pos)**self.goo 
      if div != 0: # to prevent division by zero 
       force += ball.size/div 
       force += 10000 #"big number" 
     return force 

    def calcNormal(self, pos): 
     """Return a normalized (magnitude = 1) normal at point 'pos'.""" 
     np = 0j 
     for ball in self.balls: 
      ### Formula (3) 
      div = abs(ball.pos - pos)**(2 + self.goo) 
      np += -self.goo * ball.size * (ball.pos - pos)/div 
     return np/abs(np) 

    def calcTangent(self, pos): 
     """Return a normalized (magnitude = 1) tangent at point 'pos'.""" 
     np = self.calcNormal(pos) 
     ### Formula (7) 
     return complex(-np.imag, np.real) 

    def stepOnceTowardsBorder(self, pos): 
     """Step once towards the border of the metaball field, return 
      new coordinates and force at old coordinates. 
     force = self.calcForce(pos) 
     np = self.calcNormal(pos) 
     ### Formula (5) 
     stepsize = (self.minSize/self.threshold)**(1/self.goo) - \ 
        (self.minSize/force)**(1/self.goo) + 0.01 
     return (pos + np * stepsize, force) 

    def trackTheBorder(self, pos): 
     """Track the border of the metaball field and return new 
     force = 9999999 
     # loop until force is weaker than the desired threshold 
     while force > self.threshold: 
      pos, force = self.stepOnceTowardsBorder(pos) 
      # show a little debug output (i.e. plot yellow pixels) 
      sz = self.screen.get_size() 
      if 0 <= pos.real < sz[0] and 0 <= pos.imag < sz[1]: 
       self.screen.set_at((int(pos.real), int(pos.imag)), (255, 255, 0)) 
     return pos 

def euler(pos, h, func): 
    """Euler's method. 
     The most simple way to solve differential systems numerically. 
    return pos + h * func(pos) 

def rungeKutta2(pos, h, func): 
    """Runge-Kutta 2 (=mid-point). 
     This is only a little more complex than the Euler's method, 
     but significantly better. 
    return pos + h * func(pos + func(pos) * h/2) 

def rungeKutta4(pos, h, func): 
    """Runge-Kutta 4. 
     RK4 is quite a bit more complex than RK2. RK2 with a 
     small stepsize is often more useful than this. 
    t1 = func(pos) 
    t2 = func(pos + t1 * h/2) 
    t3 = func(pos + t2 * h/2) 
    t4 = func(pos + t3 * h) 
    return pos + (h/6) * (t1 + 2*t2 + 2*t3 + t4) 

if __name__ == '__main__': main() 

你們是不是被壓逃跑的時候退出比賽?在這種情況下,您可以嘗試sys.exit(1)。 – arunkumar


適合我。環境:Ubuntu 10.10(x64)/ Python 2.7 –




running = True 
while running: 
    # other code 
    event = pygame.event.wait() 
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 
     running = False # Be interpreter friendly 





#exit when esc is pressed 
     for event in pygame.event.get(): 
      if event.type == QUIT: 
      elif event.type == KEYDOWN: 
       if event.key == K_ESCAPE: 