2017-06-17 63 views




object TimeAsWords extends App { 
    def parseTime(hhmm: String): (Int, Int) = { 
    """^([01]\d|2[0-4]):([0-5]\d)$""".r.findAllIn(hhmm).matchData foreach { 
     md => return (md.group(1).toInt, md.group(2).toInt) 
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input string doesn't match required format: 00:00 - 24:00") 

    def formatTime(hhmm: (Int, Int)): String = { 
    val englishNum = Map(
     1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> "three", 4 -> "four", 5 -> "five", 
     6 -> "six", 7 -> "seven", 8 -> "eight", 9 -> "nine", 10 -> "ten", 
     11 -> "eleven", 12 -> "twelve", 13 -> "thirteen", 14 -> "fourteen", 
     16 -> "sixteen", 17 -> "seventeen", 18 -> "eighteen", 19 -> "nineteen", 
     20 -> "twenty", 21 -> "twenty-one", 22 -> "twenty-two", 
     23 -> "twenty-three", 24 -> "twenty-four", 25 -> "twenty-five", 
     26 -> "twenty-six", 27 -> "twenty-seven", 28 -> "twenty-eight", 
     29 -> "twenty-nine" 

    def hourFmt(h: Int): String = h match { 
     case 0 | 24  => "midnight" 
     case 12   => "noon" 
     case _ if h < 12 => englishNum(h) + " o'clock before midday" 
     case _   => englishNum(h - 12) + " o'clock after midday" 

    def minuteFmt(m: Int): String = "%s %s".format(
     if (m == 1) "minute" else "minutes" 

    def fmt(m: Int): (Int => String) = m match { 
     case 0   => hourFmt 
     case 15   => "quarter past " + hourFmt(_) 
     case 30   => "half past " + hourFmt(_) 
     case 45   => h => "quarter to " + hourFmt(h + 1) 
     case _ if m < 30 => h => "%s past %s".format(minuteFmt(m), hourFmt(h)) 
     case _   => h => "%s to %s".format(minuteFmt(60 - m), hourFmt(h + 1)) 

    val (hh, mm) = hhmm 

    try { 
    } catch { 
    case e: IllegalArgumentException => System.err.println(e.getMessage) 





package time 

import TimeAsWords._ 
import org.scalatest.FunSuite 

    * Created by PeterW on 6/18/2017. 
class TimeAsWordsTest extends FunSuite { 
    test("testParseTime - 00:00") { 
    assert(parseTime("00:00") == (0,0)) 
    test("testParseTime - IllegalArgumentException") { 
    val thrown = intercept[Exception] { 
    assert(thrown.getMessage == "Input string doesn't match required format: 00:00 - 24:00") 
    test("testFormatTime - Midnight") { 
    assert(formatTime((0,0)) == "Midnight") 
    test("testFormatTime - Noon") { 
    assert(formatTime((12,0)) == "Noon") 
    test("testFormatTime - o'clock before midday") { 
    assert(formatTime((8,0)) == "Eight o'clock before midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - o'clock after midday") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,0)) == "One o'clock after midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - Quater past") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,15)) == "Quarter past one after midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - Half past") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,30)) == "Half past one after midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - Quarter to") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,45)) == "Quarter to two after midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - Minutes past hour") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,25)) == "Twenty-five minutes past one after midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - Minutes to hour") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,35)) == "Twenty-five minutes to two after midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - Minute singular") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,1)) == "One minute past one after midday") 
    test("testFormatTime - Minutes plural") { 
    assert(formatTime((13,2)) == "Two minutes past one after midday") 