2014-02-14 43 views
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> 
    <title>Yelp Search API Example</title> 
    <style type="text/css"> 
     html, body {width: 100%; height: 100%; font-family: arial;} 
     body {margin:0;padding 0;overflow: hidden;} 
     #mapContainer {padding-top: 50px;} 
     #map, #mapContainer {width:100%; height: 100%;} 
     #top {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width: 100%; height: 50px; line-height: 50px;} 
     #spinner { visibility: hidden; margin-left:3px;} 
     #poweredby, #searchbox {line-height: 50px;} 
     #searchbox {text-align: center;} 
     #poweredby { float: right; margin-right: 3px;} 
     #poweredby img { vertical-align: baseline;} 
     .marker {font-size: 11px;} 
     .marker .businessimage { float: left;} 
     .marker .ratingsimage {vertical-align:middle; margin-top:0px;} 
     .marker .businessinfo { margin-left: 110px;} 
    <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=[AIzaSyByEg0pBD4dGr3gZCk863XZZ0ZBkqhDhR4]" 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    var YWSID = "aSVpoAZwxvtcwsscdWjBBw"; // common required parameter (api key) 

    var map = null; 
    var icon = null; 

* Creates the map object and calls setCenterAndBounds 
* to instantiate it. 
    function load() { 
     map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); 
     GEvent.addListener(map, "load", function() {updateMap();}); 
     map.setCenter(new GLatLng(40.296448,-79.478141),13); 
     map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); 
     map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); 

     if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onresize", function() { map.checkResize()}); 
     else if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("resize", function() { map.checkResize()}, false); 

     // setup our marker icon 
     icon = new GIcon(); 
     icon.image = "images/marker_star.png"; 
     icon.shadow = "images/marker_shadow.png"; 
     icon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 29); 
     icon.shadowSize = new GSize(38, 29); 
     icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 29); 
     icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(15, 3); 

* Construct the URL to call for the API request 
    function constructYelpURL() { 
     var mapBounds = map.getBounds(); 
     var URL = "http://api.yelp.com/" + 
      "callback=" + "handleResults" + 
      "&term=" + document.getElementById("term").value + 
      "&num_biz_requested=10" + 
      "&tl_lat=" + mapBounds.getSouthWest().lat() + 
      "&tl_long=" + mapBounds.getSouthWest().lng() + 
      "&br_lat=" + mapBounds.getNorthEast().lat() + 
      "&br_long=" + mapBounds.getNorthEast().lng() + 
      "&ywsid=" + YWSID; 
     return encodeURI(URL); 

* Called on the form submission: updates the map by 
* placing markers on it at the appropriate places 
    function updateMap() { 
     // turn on spinner animation 
     document.getElementById("spinner").style.visibility = 'visible'; 

     var yelpRequestURL = constructYelpURL(); 

     /* clear existing markers */ 

     /* do the api request */ 
     var script = document.createElement('script'); 
     script.src = yelpRequestURL; 
     script.type = 'text/javascript'; 
     var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); 
     return false; 

* If a sucessful API response is received, place 
* markers on the map. If not, display an error. 
    function handleResults(data) { 
     // turn off spinner animation 
     document.getElementById("spinner").style.visibility = 'hidden'; 
     if(data.message.text == "OK") { 
      if (data.businesses.length == 0) { 
       alert("Error: No businesses were found near that location"); 
      for(var i=0; i<data.businesses.length; i++) { 
       biz = data.businesses[i]; 
       createMarker(biz, new GLatLng(biz.latitude, biz.longitude), i); 
     else { 
      alert("Error: " + data.message.text); 

* Formats and returns the Info Window HTML 
* (displayed in a balloon when a marker is clicked) 
    function generateInfoWindowHtml(biz) { 
     var text = '<div class="marker">'; 

     // image and rating 
     text += '<img class="businessimage" src="'+biz.photo_url+'"/>'; 

     // div start 
     text += '<div class="businessinfo">'; 
     // name/url 
     text += '<a href="'+biz.url+'" target="_blank">'+biz.name+'</a><br/>'; 
     // stars 
     text += '<img class="ratingsimage" src="'+biz.rating_img_url_small+'"/>&nbsp;based&nbsp;on&nbsp;'; 
     // reviews 
     text += biz.review_count + '&nbsp;reviews<br/><br />'; 
     // categories 
     text += formatCategories(biz.categories); 
     // neighborhoods 
      text += formatNeighborhoods(biz.neighborhoods); 
     // address 
     text += biz.address1 + '<br/>'; 
     // address2 
      text += biz.address2+ '<br/>'; 
     // city, state and zip 
     text += biz.city + ',&nbsp;' + biz.state + '&nbsp;' + biz.zip + '<br/>'; 
     // phone number 
      text += formatPhoneNumber(biz.phone); 
     // Read the reviews 
     text += '<br/><a href="'+biz.url+'" target="_blank">Read the reviews »</a><br/>'; 
     // div end 
     text += '</div></div>' 
     return text; 

* Formats the categories HTML 
    function formatCategories(cats) { 
     var s = 'Categories: '; 
     for(var i=0; i<cats.length; i++) { 
      s+= cats[i].name; 
      if(i != cats.length-1) s += ', '; 
     s += '<br/>'; 
     return s; 

* Formats the neighborhoods HTML 
    function formatNeighborhoods(neighborhoods) { 
     s = 'Neighborhoods: '; 
     for(var i=0; i<neighborhoods.length; i++) { 
      s += '<a href="' + neighborhoods[i].url + '" target="_blank">' + neighborhoods[i].name + '</a>'; 
      if (i != neighborhoods.length-1) s += ', '; 
     s += '<br/>'; 
     return s; 

* Formats the phone number HTML 
    function formatPhoneNumber(num) { 
     if(num.length != 10) return ''; 
     return '(' + num.slice(0,3) + ') ' + num.slice(3,6) + '-' + num.slice(6,10) + '<br/>'; 

* Creates a marker for the given business and point 
    function createMarker(biz, point, markerNum) { 
     var infoWindowHtml = generateInfoWindowHtml(biz) 
     var marker = new GMarker(point, icon); 
     GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { 
      marker.openInfoWindowHtml(infoWindowHtml, {maxWidth:400}); 
     // automatically open first marker 
     if (markerNum == 0) 
      marker.openInfoWindowHtml(infoWindowHtml, {maxWidth:400}); 

    <body onload="load()"> 
    <div id="top"> 
     <div id="poweredby">Powered by <a href="http://www.yelp.com"><img src="http://static.px.yelp.com/i/map/miniMapLogo.png" border="0" /></a></div> 
     <div id="searchbox"> 
       Search for <input type="text" id="term" name="term" value="flannery-cars-greensburg"/> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="return updateMap();"/> 
       <img id="spinner" src="images/spinner.gif" /> 
       <span class="error" id="errorMessage" /> 
    <div id="mapContainer"><div id="map"></div></div> 






請不要發佈整個頁面的代碼,並期望人們遍及所有的代碼。請隔離問題部分併發布重現問題所需的最低示例。 – PeeHaa




<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=[AIzaSyByEg0pBD4dGr3gZCk863XZZ0ZBkqhDhR4]" 



請詳細解釋您的答案。 – Irfan