2012-02-21 29 views


public class Thing 
    public readonly string Color; 
    public readonly int Weight; 

    public Thing(string color, int weight) 
     Color = color; 
     Weight = weight; 

    // Some methods 

public class ThingDB 
    public List<Thing> GetByColor(string color) 
     var things = new List<Thing>(); 
     // Get things from the database's Thing table 
     return things; 

    public List<Thing> GetByWeight(int weight) 
     var things = new List<Thing>(); 
     // Get things from the database's Thing table 
     return things; 

public class SpecialThing : Thing 
    public SpecialThing(string color, int weight) : base(color, weight) 

    // Some special methods 

public class SpecialThingDB : ThingDB 
    // How do I have GetByColor and GetByWeight return SpecialThings here 
    // without completely re-implementing the base methods like below? 

    public List<SpecialThing> GetByColor(string color) 
     var specialThings = new List<SpecialThing>(); 
     // Get things from the database's Thing table 
     return specialThings; 

    public List<SpecialThing> GetByWeight(int weight) 
     var specialThings = new List<SpecialThing>(); 
     // Get things from the database's Thing table 
     return specialThings; 

此外,有沒有更好的模式不必在我的數據庫中每個表兩班(一個代表一個記錄,另一個是一個管理器類)其他? (!感謝,the_joric)



public class ThingDB<T> where T : Thing 
    public List<T> GetByColor(string color) 
     var things = new List<T>(); 
     // Do some database stuff to fill things by color 
     return things; 

    public List<T> GetByWeight(int weight) 
     var things = new List<T>(); 
     // Do some database stuff to fill things by weight 
     return things; 

public class SpecialThing : Thing 
    public SpecialThing(string color, int weight) 
     : base(color, weight) 

    // Some special methods 

public class SpecialThingDB : ThingDB<SpecialThing> { } 

public class ThingDB : ThingDB<Thing> { } // For backward-compatibility 

也許我不完全理解你,但不應該'base.GetByColor(color).Cast ()'工作嗎? – 2012-02-21 16:09:54


可能,但我希望儘可能幹,並且不要在派生類中重新實現每個方法,即使這只是使用強制類型顯式調用基本方法。 – 2012-02-21 19:23:13




public class ThingDB<T> where T: Thing 
    public List<T> GetByColor(string color) 
     var things = new List<T>(); 
     // Get things from the database's Thing table 
     return things; 

    public List<T> GetByWeight(int weight) 
     var things = new List<T>(); 
     // Get things from the database's Thing table 
     return things; 

有趣。那麼我是否也可以在這個解決方案中添加'public class ThingDB:ThingDB {}'以便不破壞對ThingDB的現有引用? – 2012-02-21 17:54:06


似乎我必須添加構造函數到這樣一個派生類[額頭巴掌],但除此之外,這似乎到目前爲止... – 2012-02-21 18:05:51






是的,這是一個本土ORM(riiiiight ...)的輸出, ,大量改編的http://csharpdatatier.sourceforge.net/ – 2012-02-21 16:35:39
