我還沒有用過gaetestbed,但是我原以爲你可以在測試之間flush the datastore?
"Use case: develop and test locally with real data
Restore to: your local development server.
Once you have restored the data to your local development server, I would highly suggest that you take a backup of your datastore.
You can find your datastore files in a temporary folder on your local machine (e.g., on my Mac, it's /var/folders/bz/bzDU030xHXK-jKYLMXnTzk+++TI/-Tmp-/). To find the folder on your own machine, flush the datastore (./manage.py flush) and you will see the path to your datastore folder printed in the resulting output."
2010-12-06 05:54:22
謝謝尼克! – 2010-12-07 02:59:52