我有一個16x16的按鈕網格,並且希望爲每個按鈕添加一個事件監聽器,因此單擊它時將返回其唯一的網格位置編號(0到255之間的任何值); 我有什麼至今:動態地將參數傳遞給事件監聽器AS3
public static const GRID_SIZE:Number = 16;
private var i:int;
private var j:int;
// Constructor
public function Grid()
for (i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++)
for (j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++)
// Creates new instance of GridButton, a custom class that extends SimpleButton
var button:GridButton = new GridButton();
// Arranges buttons into a grid
button.x = (i + 1) * button.width;
button.y = (j + 1) * button.height;
// Create unique value for grid position
var position:Number = i * GRID_SIZE + j;
// Add listener to button, with position as extra param
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent) : void { buttonClick(e, position) });
// Adds button to Sprite
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