2017-02-26 157 views

控制檯中出現以下錯誤: aes.js加載資源失敗:服務器響應狀態爲404(未找到) script.js加載資源失敗:服務器響應狀態爲404(未找到) aes.js加載資源失敗:服務器響應的狀態爲404(未找到) script.js加載資源失敗:服務器響應的狀態爲404(未找到)Javascript不能在HTML按鈕上工作

<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <meta charset="utf-8"/> 
    <title>JavaScript File Encryption App</title> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> 
    <script src="Docrypt_function.js"></script> 


<a class="back"></a> 

<div id="stage"> 

    <div id="step1"> 
     <div class="content"> 
      <h1>What do you want to do?</h1> 
      <a class="button encrypt green">Encrypt a file</a> 
      <a class="button decrypt magenta">/Decrypt a file</a> 

    <div id="step2"> 

     <div class="content if-encrypt"> 
      <h1>Choose which file to encrypt</h1> 
      <h2>An encrypted copy of the file will be generated. No data is sent to our server.</h2> 
      <a class="button browse blue">Browse</a> 

      <input type="file" id="encrypt-input" /> 

     <div class="content if-decrypt"> 
      <h1>Choose which file to decrypt</h1> 
      <h2>Only files encrypted by this tool are accepted.</h2> 
      <a class="button browse blue">Browse</a> 

      <input type="file" id="decrypt-input" /> 


    <div id="step3"> 

     <div class="content if-encrypt"> 
      <h1>Enter a pass phrase</h1> 
      <h2>This phrase will be used as an encryption key. Write it down or remember it; you won't be able to restore the file without it. </h2> 

      <input type="password" /> 
      <input type="button" value="encrypt the file!" id="button proccess red"/> 

     <div class="content if-decrypt"> 
      <h1>Enter the pass phrase</h1> 
      <h2>Enter the pass phrase that was used to encrypt this file. It is not possible to decrypt it without it.</h2> 

      <input type="password" /> 
      <input type="button" value="dencrypt the file!" id="button proccess green"/> 


    <div id="step4"> 

     <div class="content"> 
      <h1>Your file is ready!</h1> 
      <input type="button" value="download your file" id="download button"/> 



    <script src="assets/js/aes.js"></script> 
    <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="assets/js/script.js"></script> 


    Javascript code: 
    * Created by Steven on 07-Feb-17. 

     var body = $('body'), 
      stage = $('#stage'), 
      back = $('a.back'); 

     /* Step 1 */ 

     $('#step1 .encrypt').click(function(){ 
      body.attr('class', 'encrypt'); 

      // Go to step 2 

     $('#step1 .decrypt').click(function(){ 
      body.attr('class', 'decrypt'); 

     /* Step 2 */ 

     $('#step2 .button').click(function(){ 
      // Trigger the file browser dialog 

     // Set up events for the file inputs 

     var file = null; 

     $('#step2').on('change', '#encrypt-input', function(e){ 

      // Has a file been selected? 

       alert('Please select a file to encrypt!'); 
       return false; 

      file = e.target.files[0]; 

      if(file.size > 1024*1024){ 
       alert('Please choose files smaller than 1mb, otherwise you may crash your browser. \nThis is a known issue.'); 


     $('#step2').on('change', '#decrypt-input', function(e){ 

       alert('Please select a file to decrypt!'); 
       return false; 

      file = e.target.files[0]; 

     /* Step 3 */ 


      var input = $(this).parent().find('input[type=password]'), 
       a = $('#step4 a.download'), 
       password = input.val(); 


       alert('Please choose a longer password!'); 

      // The HTML5 FileReader object will allow us to read the 
      // contents of the selected file. 

      var reader = new FileReader(); 


       // Encrypt the file! 

       reader.onload = function(e){ 

        // Use the CryptoJS library and the AES cypher to encrypt the 
        // contents of the file, held in e.target.result, with the password 

        var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(e.target.result, password); 

        // The download attribute will cause the contents of the href 
        // attribute to be downloaded when clicked. The download attribute 
        // also holds the name of the file that is offered for download. 

        a.attr('href', 'data:application/octet-stream,' + encrypted); 
        a.attr('download', file.name + '.encrypted'); 


       // This will encode the contents of the file into a data-uri. 
       // It will trigger the onload handler above, with the result 

      else { 

       // Decrypt it! 

       reader.onload = function(e){ 

        var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(e.target.result, password) 

         alert("Invalid pass phrase or file! Please try again."); 
         return false; 

        a.attr('href', decrypted); 
        a.attr('download', file.name.replace('.encrypted','')); 



     /* The back button */ 


      // Reinitialize the hidden file inputs, 
      // so that they don't hold the selection 
      // from last time 

      $('#step2 input[type=file]').replaceWith(function(){ 
       return $(this).clone(); 


     // Helper function that moves the viewport to the correct step div 

     function step(i){ 

      if(i == 1){ 

      // Move the #stage div. Changing the top property will trigger 
      // a css transition on the element. i-1 because we want the 
      // steps to start from 1: 

    /* //the encryption button 
     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { 
      document.getElementById('button proccess red').addEventListener('click',function (e) { 


     //the decryption button 
     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { 
      document.getElementById('button proccess green').addEventListener('click',function (e) { 



     //the download button 
     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { 
      document.getElementById('download button').addEventListener('click',function (e) { 




你不打電話給IIFE。你只需創建一個匿名函數'(function(){});'但不要調用它。在JS的最後,它應該是'})();'而不是'});'。 – Xufox


一個id不允許包含任何空格字符。頁面中沒有與「a.button.process」選擇器相匹配的元素 – Andreas


id就像'id =「按鈕proccess green」'***可能是有效的,但它們在查詢中使用選擇器......或許(你看起來是你的代碼)你的意思是'class =「button rpocess green」' –



您需要執行的代碼,當窗口負載:中$(function() {而不只是(function() {


試了一下,在控制檯跳轉出錯:加載資源失敗:服務器響應狀態爲404(未找到) –