我不能爲我的數字生活這一點。當我運行這個程序時,前兩個三角形輸出正確,但是我遇到了第三個三角形的問題。 我想要得到的是:如何在asm中反轉三角形
* *
* * *
org 100h
Input db "Enter size of the triangle between 2 to 9: $" ;String to prompt the user
Size dw ? ; variable to hold size of triangle
spot db " $" ; a space
Main proc
Mov ah, 09h ; function to display string
Mov dx, offset input ;prompts user for input
int 21h ;interrupt processor to call OS
mov ah, 01h ; DOG get character function #
int 21h; takes user input
sub al, '0' ; subtract ascii value of character zero
mov ah, 0 ;blank top half of ax reigster
mov size, ax ; we use ax instead of al because we used dw instead of db
mov cx, ax ; copy size into variable size and cx reigster
mov bx, 1
call newline
lines: ; outer loop for number of lines
push cx
mov cx,bx
stars: ; inner loop to print stars
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, '*'
int 21h
loop stars
inc bx
call newline
pop cx ; get outer loop value back
loop lines
call newline
; second triangle
mov cx, size
dec bx
push cx
mov cx,bx
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, '*'
int 21h
loop stars2
dec bx
call newline
pop cx
loop lines2
call newline
; third triangle
mov cx, size
inc bx
push cx
mov cx,bx
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset spot
int 21h
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, '*'
int 21h
loop stars3
loop spaces
inc bx
call newline
pop cx
loop lines3
main endp
proc newline
mov ah, 02h ; go to a new line after input
mov dl, 13
int 21h
mov dl, 10
int 21h
ret ;returns back
newline endp
end main
步行通過這個和我在一起。當你點擊第二個三角形時,size和bx中的值是多少?如果你輸入3,那麼size應該是3,而ebx也應該是3(對嗎?)。你做的第一件事是'dec bx'(2)。然後你打印bx星星。然後你'dec bx'(1)並循環打印第二行星星。您打印bx星號和'dec bx'(0)並循環打印第三行星。但是因爲bx是零,你打印多少顆星星(記得'loop'遞減cx,*然後*檢查0)?通過調試器來操作可能會讓這個更清晰。 –