foreach (DataRow drow in dtResult2.Rows)
//check for Null and start searching if not Null
if(drow["Well_Name"] != DBNull.Value)
//Now lets start searching the entire ARCHIVE folder/subfolders for a DWG that has
//this Well_Name and Actual_Date with FINAL in File Name...
DirectoryInfo myDir = new DirectoryInfo(myCollection3[v]);
//Collect the Final, Approved DWGs only...
var files = myDir.GetFileSystemInfos().Where(f => f.Name.Contains("FINAL") || f.Name.Contains(drow["Well_Name"].ToString()) || f.Name.Contains(drow["Actual_Date"].ToString()));
//More code not shown due to premise of question..
使它等於而不是包含。 –
同時檢查此鏈接的搜索模式http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8he88b63.aspx –