Player Tm Position 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 A.J. Green CIN WR 13 8 11 12 8 10
2 Aaron Burbridge SFO WR 0 1 0 2 0 0
3 Aaron Ripkowski GNB RB 0 0 0 0 0 1
4 Adam Humphries TAM WR 5 8 12 4 2 0
5 Adam Thielen MIN WR 5 5 4 3 8 0
6 Adrian Peterson MIN RB 2 3 0 0 0 0
Tm `1` `2` `3` `4` `5` `6`
<fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ARI 37 35 50 45 26 35
2 ATL 38 34 30 37 28 41
3 BAL 32 45 40 51 47 48
4 BUF 22 30 20 33 20 26
5 CAR 31 39 36 47 28 46
6 CHI 28 29 45 36 41 49
7 CIN 30 54 28 31 39 31
8 CLE 26 33 38 38 35 42
9 DAL 43 30 24 32 24 27
10 DEN 26 32 35 31 34 47
# ... with 22 more rows
a <- merge(playertgt, teamtgt, by="Tm") #merges the two
a$Wk1 <- a$`1.x`/a$`1.y`
a$Wk2 <- a$`2.x`/a$`2.y`
a$Wk3 <- a$`3.x`/a$`3.y`
## Do a left outer join to match each player with total team targets
a <- left_join(playertgt,teamtgt, by="Tm")
## Compute percentage over all weeks selecting player columns ending with ".x"
## and dividing by corresponding team columns ending with ".y"
tgt.pct <- select(a,ends_with(".x"))/select(a,ends_with(".y"))
## set the column names to week + number
colnames(tgt.pct) <- paste0("week",seq_len(ncol(teamtgt)-1))
## construct the output data frame adding back the player and team columns
tgt.pct <- data.frame(Player=playertgt$Player,Tm=playertgt$Tm,tgt.pct)