//更新: 好吧我設法讓它正確的文字,但我怎麼能旋轉它來匹配圖像?
var paper = Raphael("urp");
//var path = paper.path("M50,10 A40,40,0,1,1,49.9,10z");
//var path = paper.path("M 140, 300 C 180, 100, 420, 100, 460, 300").attr({stroke:"#ccc"});
//var path = paper.path("M10,10 L90,90");
//var c = paper.circle(50, 50, 40);
var path1 = paper.path(getCircletoPath(286, 318, 190)).attr({stroke:"#ccc"});
var message = "55,8% Да";
var txt1 = textOnPath(message, path1, 13, 1.3, 3, 3);
var path2 = paper.path(getCircletoPath(286, 318, 170)).attr({stroke:"#ccc"});
var message = "43,3% Нет";
var txt2 = textOnPath(message, path2, 13, 1.3, 3, 3);
var path3 = paper.path(getCircletoPath(286, 318, 150)).attr({stroke:"#ccc"});
var message = "0,4% Не знаю как связаться";
var txt3 = textOnPath(message, path3, 13, 1.3, 3, 3);
var path4 = paper.path(getCircletoPath(286, 318, 130)).attr({stroke:"#ccc"});
var message = "0,5% Не смог связаться";
var txt4 = textOnPath(message, path4, 13, 1.3, 3, 3);
txt1.transform("r45, 286, 31");
function getCircletoPath(x, y, r) { // x and y are center and r is the radius
var s = "M";
s = s + "" + (x) + "," + (y-r) + "A"+r+","+r+",0,1,1,"+(x-0.1)+","+(y-r)+"z";
return s;
function textOnPath(message, path, fontSize, letterSpacing, kerning, geckoKerning) {
var gecko = /rv:([^\)]+)\) Gecko\/\d{8}/.test(navigator.userAgent||'') ? true : false;
var letters = [], places = [], messageLength = 0;
for (var c=0; c < message.length; c++) {
var letter = paper.text(0, 0, message[c]).attr({"text-anchor" : "middle"});
var character = letter.attr('text'), kern = 0;
if (kerning) {
if(gecko && geckoKerning) {
kerning = geckoKerning;
var predecessor = letters[c-1] ? letters[c-1].attr('text') : '';
if (kerning[c]) {
kern = kerning[c];
} else if (kerning[character]) {
if(typeof kerning[character] === 'object') {
kern = kerning[character][predecessor] || kerning[character]['default'] || 0;
} else {
kern = kerning[character];
if(kerning['default']) {
kern = kern + (kerning['default'][predecessor] || 0);
messageLength += kern;
//spaces get a width of 0, so set min at 4px
messageLength += Math.max(4.5, letter.getBBox().width);
if (gecko) {
letterSpacing = letterSpacing * 0.83;
} else {
letterSpacing = letterSpacing || path.getTotalLength()/messageLength;
fontSize = fontSize || 10 * letterSpacing;
for (c = 0; c < letters.length; c++) {
letters[c].attr("font-size", fontSize + "px");
p = path.getPointAtLength(places[c] * letterSpacing);
var rotate = 'R' + (p.alpha < 180 ? p.alpha + 180 : p.alpha > 360 ? p.alpha - 360 : p.alpha)+','+p.x+','+p.y;
letters[c].attr({ x: p.x, y: p.y, transform: rotate });
#urp {
background: url('http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/1980/13s4.png') no-repeat;
background-position: 50px 120px;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/raphael/2.1.0/raphael-min.js"></script>
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<title>JS Bin</title>
<div id="urp">
請在問題中包含您的代碼,不要鏈接到外部代碼編輯器。 – George
好吧,該帖子已更新:) – Denees