function abc() {
$args = func_get_args();
//Now lets use the first parameter in something...... In this case a simple echo
echo $args[0];
//Lets remove this first parameter
//Now I want to send the remaining arguments to different function, in the same way as it received
.. . ...... BUT NO IDEA HOW TO . ..................
//tried doing something like this, for a work around
$newargs = implode(",", $args);
//Call Another Function
anotherFUnction($newargs); //This function is however a constructor function of a class
//^This is regarded as one arguments, not mutliple arguments....
我忘了提,我打電話的下一個函數是一個構造類另一個類的。 喜歡的東西
$newclass = new class($newarguments);
發送其餘的參數作爲數組不是可接受的解決方案。我想發送參數的方式與「arg [1],arg [2] ..等等一樣...... – Starx