2012-05-08 29 views

我想爲這個圖書館在FDT 5 IDE創建項目 我創建一個新項目:與ActionScript項目的ByteArray問題

File->New FDT Project->Web->AS3然後點擊完成



Description Resource Path Location Type Could not resolve type reference to 'flash.utils.ByteArray' at line 576 column 
25. MultipartURLLoader.as /recorder/src/ru/inspirit/net Unknown Flash Problem Could not resolve type reference to 'flash.utils.ByteArray' at line 581 column 
39. MultipartURLLoader.as /recorder/src/ru/inspirit/net Unknown Flash Problem Incompatible types ByteArray and ByteArray. Found at line 184 column 
37. MultipartURLLoader.as /recorder/src/ru/inspirit/net Unknown Flash Problem Incompatible types ByteArray and ByteArray. Found at line 447 column 
24. MultipartURLLoader.as /recorder/src/ru/inspirit/net Unknown Flash Problem Unexpected Token playingProgressTimerHandler at line 103 column 69. Recorder.as /recorder/src Unknown Flash Problem Unexpected Token playingProgressTimerHandler at line 103 column 
69. Recorder.as /recorder/src Unknown Flash Problem Unexpected Token statusHandler at line 186 column 
61. Recorder.as /recorder/src Unknown Flash Problem Unexpected Token statusHandler at line 186 column 
61. Recorder.as /recorder/src Unknown Flash Problem Wrong number of arguments. Expect at least 2 but have found 1. Found at line 103 column 25. Recorder.as /recorder/src Unknown Flash Problem Wrong number of arguments. Expect at least 2 but have found 1. Found at line 186 column 15. Recorder.as /recorder/src Unknown Flash Problem You cannot assign 'ByteArray' to 'ByteArray'. Found 'fileContent;' at line 189 column 
21. MultipartURLLoader.as /recorder/src/ru/inspirit/net Unknown Flash Problem You cannot assign 'ByteArray' to 'ByteArray'. Found 'fileContent;' at line 583 column 
22. MultipartURLLoader.as /recorder/src/ru/inspirit/net Unknown Flash Problem 





您需要的是首先通過FDT設置教程。如果我沒有記錯的話,你需要Flash Player 9+才能使用ByteArray類。但是,Flash Player 11是最安全的選擇。下載的Flex SDK,並使用它設置以下兩種教程:

http://fdt.powerflasher.com/2008/10/creating-flash-player-10-projects-with-fdt-beta/ http://www.applicationdomain.net/post/2008/05/26/Setting-up-FDT-for-Flash-Player -10



我試過使用mxlmc,它會針對AS文件生成一個SWF,但是有很多警告,我不確定是否所有的「依賴」都被編譯了? – xybrek