我有一個計算器GUI,只要等號被按下,就會調用下面顯示的代碼。計算器將一個由空格分隔的字符串作爲參數傳遞。然後我在這個空格分隔的字符串上使用String Tokenizer並從那裏開始工作。如果有幫助,我可以提供計算器GUI的代碼。
我的問題在於計算器提供的答案。例如,如果我輸入(5 + 2),計算器將返回2作爲答案,如果再次按等號,則返回5作爲答案。如果輸入(5 * 2)+(3 * 9),則返回9作爲答案,如果再次按等號,則返回5作爲一個答案。我嘗試了多次通過我的代碼,但不幸的是我一直無法找到我的錯誤。任何幫助將不勝感激!
免責聲明:我知道關於使用String Tokenizer的附註。我會用別的東西,但那是需求之一。我還沒有執行任何錯誤檢查或檢查優先級,因爲我想確保它能正常工作,假設輸入正確並且先不過分複雜。另外,我知道我的代碼不會正確地處理像(5 + 2)-1這樣的東西,因爲在1周圍缺少括號。但是再次,它不能用於比這更簡單的事情。 。一旦我能用簡單的輸入工作,我會擔心這一點。最後,這確實是一項家庭作業,但請不要以爲我完全是爲了完成這件事。只是幾個指針將不勝感激。
public class ExpressionEvaluator {
Stack<String> myStack = new Stack<>();
Queue<String> myQueue = new Queue<>();
String curToken; //Current token of my tokenized string.
double temp1; //Place holder for first value of the calc section.
double temp2; //Place holder for second value of the calc section.
public String processInput(String s) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
curToken = st.nextToken();
if (openParenthesis(curToken)) {
if (closeParenthesis(curToken)) {
do {
} while (!openParenthesis(myStack.peek()));
if (isOperator(curToken)) {
while (!myStack.isEmpty() && !openParenthesis(myStack.peek())) {
if (isDouble(curToken)) {
while (!myStack.isEmpty()) {
while (!myQueue.isEmpty()) {
if (isDouble(myQueue.peek())) {
else if (isOperator(myQueue.peek())) {
temp1 = Double.parseDouble(myStack.pop());
temp2 = Double.parseDouble(myStack.pop());
myStack.push(Double.toString(calc(temp1, temp2)));
else {
return myStack.pop();
//Private methods used to simplify/clarify some things.
//Checks if input is an operator, returns true if it is
private boolean isOperator(String str) {
if (str == "+") {return true;}
else if (str == "-") {return true;}
else if (str == "*") {return true;}
else if (str == "/") {return true;}
else if (str == "^") {return true;}
else {return false;}
//Checks if input is an open parenthesis "(", returns true if it is
private boolean openParenthesis(String str) {
if (str == "(") {return true;}
else {return false;}
//Checks if input is a close parenthesis ")", returns true if it is
private boolean closeParenthesis(String str) {
if (str == ")") {return true;}
else {return false;}
//Checks if input is a double, returns true if it is
//I actually got this method from Stack Overflow, so thanks!
private boolean isDouble(String str) {
try {
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
//Method used to actually do the calculations. I have
//a feeling this is where my problem is, but I can't
//think of a way to fix it.
private double calc(double a, double b) {
String op = myQueue.dequeue();
if (op == "+") {return a+b;}
else if (op == "-") {return a-b;}
else if (op == "*") {return a*b;}
else if (op == "/") {return a/b;}
else if (op == "^") {return Math.pow(a, b);}
else {throw new UnknownElementException(null, "ERROR");}
謝謝,我會看看這個! – kevinivan05 2015-04-05 01:17:17