Patient_ID Appt_Resource_ID
88299 47
88299 1
88299 40
88299 40
88299 40
88299 40
我運行一個,就是寫一個輸出行爲SQL patient_id和Doctor_ID發生的最多,在這種情況下是sb 40.但它正在輸出Doctor_ID 1.其他情況下,我檢查的操作是否正確。
select distinct A.Patient_id, P.Patient_name, b.Appt_resource_id
from [PM].[vwGenPatApptInfo] A
inner join
select top 100 percent patient_id, Appt_resource_id, count(Appt_resource_id) as DR_count,
row_number() over (partition by patient_id order by count(*) desc) as seqnum
from [PM].[vwGenPatApptInfo]
where Patient_ID is NOT NULL
group by patient_id,Appt_resource_id
order by patient_id, seqnum
) B on B.Patient_ID = A.Patient_ID
and B.seqnum = 1
inner join [PM].[vwGenPatInfo] P on A.Patient_id = P.Patient_id
where A.Appt_DateTime >= DATEADD(yyyy, -2, GETDATE()) and A.Appt_Cancelled_Date is NULL
Patient_ID Appt_Resource_ID
88299 1