2013-08-12 67 views

我需要一個流行的indices trick變體,它可能會產生2個可能長度不同的索引序列的笛卡爾乘積。你能提供一些提示/例子說明如何做到這一點?也許是一個圖書館的鏈接。笛卡爾產品索引生成器


template <typename ...T> struct list {}; 

template <typename T, typename U> 
struct pair 
    typedef T first; 
    typedef U second; 

template <std::size_t i> 
using index = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i>; 

template <std::size_t ON, std::size_t M, std::size_t N, typename ...Ps> 
struct cartesian 
    : std::conditional<bool(N), 
     cartesian<ON, M, N - 1, pair<index<M>, index<N> >, Ps...>, 
     cartesian<ON, M - 1, ON, pair<index<M>, index<N> >, Ps...> 

template <std::size_t ON, typename ...Ps> 
struct cartesian<ON, 0, 0, Ps...> 
    : list<pair<index<0>, index<0> >, Ps...> 

template <std::size_t M, std::size_t N> 
struct make_cartesian : cartesian<N - 1, M - 1, N - 1> 
    static_assert(M > 0, "M has to be greater than 0"); 
    static_assert(N > 0, "N has to be greater than 0"); 

您如何看待最終序列的樣子?一對索引列表?另外,任何你已經嘗試過嗎?你應該能夠看到笛卡爾產品是如何完成正常向量/列表並將其移植到TMP上的。 – Xeo


我讓開放式對的表示,它可以是任何東西,他們可以'平坦'成一個單一的序列,甚至大小。我會在當天晚些時候嘗試,不應該太難,但我認爲有人可能會複製並粘貼一些早已寫好的代碼:) – user1095108




#include <cstdlib> 
#include <iostream> 

namespace ct { 

    template <typename, typename> 
    struct pair {}; 

    template <typename... a> 
    struct list {}; 

    template <typename a, typename... b> 
    struct cons_t; 

    template <typename a> 
    struct cons_t<a, list<>> 
    using type = list<a>; 

    template <typename a, typename bh, typename... bt> 
    struct cons_t<a, list<bh, bt...>> 
    using type = list<a, bh, bt...>; 

    template <typename a, typename... b> 
    struct concat_t; 

    template <typename b> 
    struct concat_t<list<>, b> 
    using type = b; 

    template <typename b, typename ah, typename... at> 
    struct concat_t<list<ah, at...>, b> 
    using type = typename cons_t<ah, typename concat_t<list<at...>, b>::type>::type; 

    template <typename a, typename b> 
    using cons = typename cons_t<a,b>::type; 
    template <typename a, typename b> 
    using concat = typename concat_t<a,b>::type; 

    template <typename a, typename b> 
    struct cartesian1; 

    template <typename a> 
    struct cartesian1<a, list<>> 
    using type = list<>; 

    template <typename a, typename bh, typename... bt> 
    struct cartesian1<a, list<bh, bt...>> 
    using type = cons<pair<a, bh>, typename cartesian1<a, list<bt...>>::type>; 

    template <typename a, typename b> 
    struct cartesian_t; 

    template <typename a> 
    struct cartesian_t<list<>, a> 
    using type = list<>; 

    template <typename ah, typename b, typename... at> 
    struct cartesian_t<list<ah, at...>, b> 
    using type = concat<typename cartesian1<ah, b>::type, 
         typename cartesian_t<list<at...>, b>::type>; 

    template <typename a, typename b> 
    using cartesian = typename cartesian_t<a,b>::type; 

    template <size_t x> 
    struct val {}; 

    template <size_t... a> 
    struct vlist {}; 

    template <typename t> 
    struct vlist2list_t; 

    template <> 
    struct vlist2list_t<vlist<>> 
    using type = list<>; 

    template <size_t ah, size_t... at> 
    struct vlist2list_t<vlist<ah, at...>> 
    using type = cons<val<ah>, typename vlist2list_t<vlist<at...>>::type>; 

    template <typename a> 
    using vlist2list = typename vlist2list_t<a>::type; 

    template <size_t...a> 
    using vl = vlist2list<vlist<a...>>; 

    template<size_t x1, size_t x2> 
    std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, 
          pair<val<x1>, val<x2>> z) 
    s << "(" << x1 << "," << x2 << ")"; 
    return s; 

    std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, 
          list<> z) 
    s << "[]"; 

    template <typename ah, typename... at> 
    std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, 
          list<ah, at...> z) 
    s << ah() << ":" << list<at...>(); 


int main() 
    using a = ct::cartesian<ct::vl<1,2,3>, ct::vl<4,5,6>>; 
    std::cout << a() << std::endl; 


template<class InIter, class OutIter> 
OutIter cartesian_product(InIter first1, InIter last1, InIter first2, InIter last2, 
OutIter output) { 
for (auto It1 = first1 ; It1 != last1; ++It1) 
    for (auto It2 = first2; It2 != last2; ++It2) 
    *output++ = *It1 * *It2; 

很明顯,您沒有測試過,因爲它不能像這樣工作。經過內循環的一次運行後,'first2'將成爲'last2',所以在外循環的每次迭代中,都不會有任何事情要做。 – stefan


Saeed您需要將其設置爲模板元程序。 – user1095108