#include <stdio.h>
#define TAX_RATE 0.065
int main() {
int item_quantity, taxable;
float item_price, total_with_tax, total_without_tax, a, b;
// Read in the price of the item
printf("What is the price of the item? (Should be less than $100)\n");
scanf("%f<100", &item_price);
// Read in the quantity of the item being purchased
printf("How many of the item are you purchasing? (Should be less than 100) \n");
scanf("%d<100", &item_quantity);
// Read in if it is taxable or not
printf("Is the item a taxed item (1 = yes, 0 = no)?\n");
scanf("%d", &taxable);
// Calculate total with tax
a = item_quantity*item_price*(1 + TAX_RATE);
// Calculate total without tax
b = item_quantity*item_price;
printf("Your total purchase will cost $%.2f\n", a);
printf("Your total purchase will cost $%.2f\n", b);
return 0;
您可以嘗試[三元操作符(HTTP: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_operation)。由於這是一項家庭作業,我將使用它完成實施。 – marko