2017-07-03 67 views





#include <iostream> 
#include <typeinfo> 
#include <stdio.h> 

using namespace std; 
class Col; 
class LC; 

class Molecule 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the molecule 
    double someBulshit; 
    virtual double potential(const Molecule * mol){} 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol){} 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol){} 

class LC : public Molecule 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the LC molecule 
    virtual double potential(const Molecule * mol) {return 1;} 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) {return 2;} 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) {return 3;} 
class Col : public Molecule 
    /// more data and function should be here regarding the Col molecule 
    virtual double potential(const Molecule * mol) {return 4;} 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) {return 5;} 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) {return 6;} 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    Molecule * mol1 = new Col(); 
    Molecule * mol2 = new LC(); 

    double my_potential = mol1->potential(mol2); 
    printf ("%f",my_potential); 


virtual double potential(const Molecule * mol) {return 4;} 


virtual double potential(const LC * mol) {return 5;} 

反正是有調用函數DYNA mically(在OOP設計中)不使用typeid?



#include <iostream> 
#include <typeinfo> 
#include <stdio.h> 

using namespace std; 
class Col; 
class LC; 

class Molecule 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the molecule 
    double someBulshit; 
    virtual double potential(const Molecule * mol) const = 0; 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) const = 0; 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) const = 0; 

class LC : public Molecule 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the LC molecule 
    virtual double potential(const Molecule * mol) const {return mol->potential(this);} 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) const {return 2;} 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) const {return 3;} 
class Col : public Molecule 
    /// more data and function should be here regarding the Col molecule 
    virtual double potential(const Molecule * mol) const {return mol->potential(this);} 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) const {return 5;} 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) const {return 6;} 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    Molecule * mol1 = new Col(); 
    Molecule * mol2 = new LC(); 

    double my_potential = mol1->potential(mol2); 
    printf ("%f",my_potential); 



你的源代碼不會編譯。罪魁禍首是「分子」成員職能。您可能還想重命名「Molecule」數據成員。也許你忘了做這些純粹的虛擬?函數不是staticly_。請提供[MCVE](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)。 – Ron


查看訪客模式。 – Peter



您總是調用潛在的(Molecule *),因爲這是您傳遞的參數的類型。


#include <iostream> 
#include <typeinfo> 
#include <stdio.h> 

using namespace std; 
class Col; 
class LC; 

class Molecule 
    virtual ~Molecule() {} 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the molecule 
    double someBulshit; 
    double potential(const Molecule * mol); 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) = 0; 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) = 0; 

class LC : public Molecule 
    virtual ~LC() {} 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the LC molecule 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) {return 2;} 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) {return 3;} 
class Col : public Molecule 
    virtual ~Col() {} 
    /// more data and function should be here regarding the Col molecule 
    virtual double potential(const LC * mol) {return 5;} 
    virtual double potential(const Col * mol) {return 6;} 

double Molecule::potential(const Molecule * mol) { 
    const Col *mol_as_Col = dynamic_cast<const Col*>(mol); 
    const LC *mol_as_LC = dynamic_cast<const LC*>(mol); 
    if(mol_as_Col) { 
    return potential(mol_as_Col); 
    else if(mol_as_LC) { 
    return potential(mol_as_LC); 
    else { 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    Molecule * mol1 = new Col(); 
    Molecule * mol2 = new LC(); 

    double my_potential = mol1->potential(mol2); 
    printf ("%f",my_potential); 


或者,您可以嘗試使用模板代碼實現此功能,並避免首先使用運行時多態性(即從不保持類型Molecule *的指針)。如果你有興趣,我可以制定一個例子,但是因爲你特別要求一個動態的解決方案,它似乎不是這個問題的答案。


#include <iostream> 
#include <typeinfo> 
#include <stdio.h> 

using namespace std; 

template<typename MOLECULE1, typename MOLECULE2> 
void printPotential(MOLECULE1 *mol1, MOLECULE2 *mol2) { 
    double my_potential = mol1->potential(mol2); 

class Col; 

class LC 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the LC molecule 
    double potential(const LC * mol) {return 2;} 
    double potential(const Col * mol) {return 3;} 
class Col 
    /// more data and function should be here regarding the Col molecule 
    double potential(const LC * mol) {return 5;} 
    double potential(const Col * mol) {return 6;} 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    Col *mol1 = new Col(); 
    LC *mol2 = new LC(); 

    printPotential(mol1, mol2); 

其實,在寫這個我覺得可能是第三個(實際上是推薦)方法:你需要找到一個抽象算法如何通過僅使用可以是基類的一部分的公共信息(或通過基類的虛函數調用而獲得)來計算兩個分子之間的勢能。在這種情況下,您可以只有一個潛在的實現()(或者作爲基類的成員函數,帶有Molecule *類型的單個參數,或者作爲具有Molecule *類型的兩個參數的非成員函數)。如果我認爲這兩個分子之間的電勢是兩個「絕對」電位(就像一個啞巴爲例)的不同,它可能是這樣的:

#include <iostream> 
#include <typeinfo> 
#include <stdio.h> 

using namespace std; 
class Col; 
class LC; 

class Molecule 
    virtual ~Molecule() {} 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the molecule 
    double potential(const Molecule * mol) { 
    return mol->getAbsolutePotential() - getAbsolutePotential(); 
    virtual double getAbsolutePotential() const = 0; 

class LC : public Molecule 
    virtual ~LC() {} 
    /// more data and functions should be here regarding the LC molecule 
    double getAbsolutePotential() const {return 42.0;} 
class Col : public Molecule 
    virtual ~Col() {} 
    /// more data and function should be here regarding the Col molecule 
    double getAbsolutePotential() const {return 120.0;} 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    Molecule * mol1 = new Col(); 
    Molecule * mol2 = new LC(); 

    double my_potential = mol1->potential(mol2); 
    printf ("%f",my_potential); 

我認爲動態解決方案更像面向對象設計。 如果您認爲模板更適合這裏,我會很高興看到這種解決方案。我也修正了返回6的錯誤,thx! – pio


查看我的答案編輯:-) –