def PrintSingleRecipe(self,which):
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Recipes WHERE pkID = %s' % str(which)
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
recipeid =x[0]
print "Title: " + x[1]
print "Serves: " + x[2]
print "Source: " + x[3]
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Ingredients WHERE RecipeID = %s' % recipeid
print 'Ingredient List:'
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
print x[1]
print ''
print 'Instructions:'
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Instructions WHERE RecipeID = %s' % recipeid
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
print x[1]
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
resp = raw_input('Press A Key -> ')
def PrintSingleRecipe(db:Database)
stmt:Statement = PreparedStatements.select_all(db)
res:int = UserInterface.raw_input("Select a recipe -> ").to_int()
cols:int = stmt.column_count()
var row = new dict of string, string
item:int = 1
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
while res == ROW
for i:int = 0 to (cols - 1)
row[ stmt.column_name(i) ] = stmt.column_text(i)
stdout.printf("%-5s", item.to_string("%03i"))
stdout.printf("%-30s", row[ "Title" ])
stdout.printf("%-20s", row[ "Serves" ])
stdout.printf("%-30s\n", row[ "Source" ])
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print "Ingredient list"
print " "
stdout.printf("%-5s", item.to_string("%03i"))