content_height: 640,
fit_to_parent: true,
auto: false,
interval: 5000,
continuous: true,
loading: true,
tooltip_width: 200,
tooltip_icon_width: 32,
tooltip_icon_height: 32,
tooltip_offsetx: 18,
tooltip_offsety: 0,
arrows: true,
buttons: false,
btn_numbers: true,
keybord_keys: true,
mousetrace: false, /* Trace x and y coordinates for the mouse */
pauseonover: true,
stoponclick: false,
transition: 'hslide', /* hslide/vslide/fade */
transition_speed: 500,
transition_delay: 300,
show_caption: 'show', /* onload/onhover/show */
thumbnails: true,
thumbnails_position: 'outside-last', /* outside-last/outside-first/inside-last/inside-first */
thumbnails_direction: 'horizontal', /* vertical/horizontal */
thumbnails_slidex: 0, /* 0 = auto/1 = slide one thumbnail/2 = slide two thumbnails/etc. */
dynamic_height: true, /* For dynamic height to work in webkit you need to set the width and height of images in the source. Usually works to only set the dimension of the first slide in the showcase. */
speed_change: false, /* Set to true to prevent users from swithing more then one slide at once. */
viewline: true /* If set to true content_width, thumbnails, transition and dynamic_height will be disabled. As for dynamic height you need to set the width and height of images in the source. It's OK with only the width. */
var resizeTimer;
$(window).resize(function() {
resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 150);
設置它你所提到的沒有做的方式技巧..雖然它再次運行該功能,但它不能在頁面上正常運行。似乎我需要重置在重新設置和重新運行之前初始運行所做的任何更改? –
更新了我的答案。 – manishie