2015-10-07 73 views





public class ccProductUDFs 
    public string ProductName { get; set; } 
    public string FieldName { get; set; } 
    public string DataType { get; set; } 
    public string DisplayName { get; set; } 
    public string SKU { get; set; } 
    public bool Facet { get; set; } 
    public bool Searchable { get; set; } 
    public bool RenderInEditor { get; set; } 
    public string DefinitionName { get; set; } 
    public string DefinitionDescription { get; set; } 
    public string UdfValue { get; set; } 
    public bool UdfValueHasChanged { get; set; } 
    public bool UdfFieldHasChanged { get; set; } 
    public bool UdfFieldDeleted { get; set; } 
    public bool DisplayOnSite { get; set; } 
    public string CultureCode { get; set; } 

    public override string ToString() 
     return string.Format("{0} {1} : {2} = {3}", this.SKU, this.ProductName, this.DisplayName, this.UdfValue); 

//This will load approx. 173000 item for a SQL database 
List<ccProductUDFs> listudfs = ccProductUDFsData.Load(DBConfiguration.GetDBContext()); 
//_batchsize is set to 200 

//processUdFs is a Boolean = true stored in AppSettings 

    #region Update any UDFs... 

    _startrange = 0; 
    started = DateTime.Now; 
    timeTaken = TimeSpan.MinValue; 
    timeLeft = TimeSpan.MinValue; 
    doneCount = 0; 
    _totalCount = listudfs.Count(); 
    while (_processUdFs && _startrange < listudfs.Count()) 
     int sz = listudfs.Count() - _startrange >= _batchsize ? _batchsize : listudfs.Count() - _startrange; 
     List<ccProductUDFs> shallowlist = listudfs.GetRange(_startrange, sz); 
     _startrange = _startrange + sz; 

      _session = SessionContext.Session; 
      // create a response list to hold results of uploads... 
      List<ccResponse> response_categoryUDFs = new List<ccResponse>(); 

      // start the transaction 
      using (var tx = _session.BeginTransaction()) 
       int counter = 0; 
       int listcount = listudfs.Count(); 

       // loop through each remaining UDF 
       // these are UDFs where the FIELD or the VALUE has changed, and we have not dealt with it as part of the product 
       foreach (ccProductUDFs udf in shallowlist) 
        if (ShowLog(verbose, (_startrange - sz) + ++counter, listcount)) 
         TimeSpan elapsed = (DateTime.Now - started); 
         WriteLogV2("product udfs {0} of {1}", (_startrange - sz) + counter, listcount, elapsed); 

        // get the product for this UDF... 
        var product = _session.Query<Product>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Sku == udf.SKU); 

        if (product != null) 
         // check that product has a product definition... 
         if (product.ProductDefinition == null) 
          // product has no definition assigned, so check that the product definition exists in data... 
          ProductDefinition definition = _session.Query<ProductDefinition>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Description == udf.DefinitionName); 
          if (definition == null) 
           // product definition doesn;t exist in data, so create it... 
           definition = new ProductDefinition(); 
           definition.Description = udf.DefinitionDescription; 
           definition.Name = udf.DefinitionName; 

           // save the changes... 


          // assign this product definition to the product record... 
          product.ProductDefinition = definition; 

         // determine if the UDF FIELD exists... 
         ProductDefinitionField definitionfield = product.ProductDefinition.ProductDefinitionFields.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == udf.FieldName); 
         if (definitionfield == null) 
          // the UDF FIELD does NOT exist, so we shall add it. 
          definitionfield = new ProductDefinitionField(); 
          definitionfield.Name = udf.FieldName; 
          definitionfield.ProductDefinition = product.ProductDefinition; 

          // locate the data type record and assign it to this UDF FIELD 
          var dt = _session.Query<DataType>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.TypeName == udf.DataType); 
          if (dt != null) 
           definitionfield.DataType = dt; 

          // add the UDF FIELD to the product category... 

          // save the changes... 


         bool changed = definitionfield.Deleted != udf.UdfFieldDeleted; 

         // assign properties to this UDF FIELD... 
         definitionfield.Deleted = udf.UdfFieldDeleted; 

         if (changed) 
          // save the changes... 

         // determine if the UDF VALUE record exists... 
         ProductProperty property = product.ProductProperties.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ProductDefinitionField.Name == definitionfield.Name && a.Product.Id == product.ProductId); 
         if (property == null) 
          // the UDF VALUE does NOT exist, so we shall add it. 
          property = new ProductProperty(); 
          property.ProductDefinitionField = definitionfield; 
          property.Product = product; 

          // add the UDF VALUE to the product category... 

         changed = false; 

         string v = udf.UdfValue == null ? string.Empty : udf.UdfValue.Trim(); 

         changed = property.Value != v; 

         // assign properties to this UDF FIELD... 
         property.Value = v; 

         if (changed) 
          // save the changes... 

          // save the changes... 

         // update the response with a successful result... 
         response_categoryUDFs.Add(new ccResponse(udf.SKU, udf.FieldName, ccCategoryUDFsData.Source, true, "", 0)); 
        object[] prodparam = 
            _dbcontext.NewParameter("@Sku", udf.SKU), 
            _dbcontext.NewParameter("@udfName", udf.FieldName) 
         "UPDATE [LOAD_ProductUdfValues] SET HasChanged = 0 WHERE ProductId = @Sku And FieldName = @udfName", 

        TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - started; 
        Console.WriteLine("Done {0} of {1} in {2}", doneCount, _totalCount, ts.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")); 

        // commit all changes... 
       catch (Exception ex) 
        // Error Handler 
        response_categoryUDFs.Add(new ccResponse("", "", ccCatalogData.Source, false, "Commit failed [" + ex.ToString() + "]", 1)); 

      // send any response... 
      ccResponse.Write(_dbcontext, response_categoryUDFs, ccCatalogData.ResponseTarget); 

      // tidy up the session before is it disposed... 
     // } 

不熟悉'SessionContext'但如果之後增加_session.Clear();固定我的問題'SaveOrUpdate'就像'DataTable' CRUD什麼然後哎喲。在一種情況下,我們拋棄了存儲過程中的「DataTable」處理。處理時間從24小時變爲5秒。我沒有騙你。 – radarbob


它看起來像你沒有使用uCommerce API。它是實體框架,Linq2Sql還是....? – lasseeskildsen


不,它是UCommerce API。我已經與UCommerce交談過,結果發現這種行爲是他們期望在如此大規模的數據推送上。他們用戶NHibernate和這是造成這個問題。他們還提供無狀態會話API,這對於批量插入和更新來說要好得多。 – Fred


