org 100h
mov cx,256
mov ah,2
xor si, si ; si = 0
mov si,[es:si] ; si = begining of the psp
sub si, 2ch ; adding 2ch offset to si
mov si, [si] ; making si point to com environement
loop1: ; output chars until '0'
mov dl, [si]
inc si
cmp dl, '0'
je end_of_program
int 21h
loop loop1
mov ah, 0
int 16h
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
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HUĘ♥ ISż♥ PLď♥ ROŕ♥ SL ♦ YU▬♦ TRB♦ ETn♦ JPX♦ USä♦
那麼我的輸出OK?它是第一個變量,它應該是這樣嗎? – Patryk 2013-03-19 12:14:39