我在使asp.net C#文件加密/解密過程正常工作時遇到了一些麻煩。我可以將文件上傳並加密,但無法解密。文件解密錯誤:錯誤數據
我得到的錯誤:Exception Details: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Bad Data.
byte[] KeyDecrypted = rsa.Decrypt(KeyEncrypted, false);
private void EncryptFile(string inFile)
RijndaelManaged rjndl = new RijndaelManaged();
rjndl.KeySize = 256;
rjndl.BlockSize = 256;
rjndl.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
ICryptoTransform transform = rjndl.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] keyEncrypted = rsa.Encrypt(rjndl.Key, false);
byte[] LenK = new byte[4];
byte[] LenIV = new byte[4];
int lKey = keyEncrypted.Length;
LenK = BitConverter.GetBytes(lKey);
int lIV = rjndl.IV.Length;
LenIV = BitConverter.GetBytes(lIV);
int startFileName = inFile.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1;
// Change the file's extension to ".enc"
string outFile = EncrFolder + inFile.Substring(startFileName, inFile.LastIndexOf(".") - startFileName) + ".enc";
lblDecryptFileName.Text = outFile;
using (FileStream outFs = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create))
outFs.Write(LenK, 0, 4);
outFs.Write(LenIV, 0, 4);
outFs.Write(keyEncrypted, 0, lKey);
outFs.Write(rjndl.IV, 0, lIV);
using (CryptoStream outStreamEncrypted = new CryptoStream(outFs, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
int count = 0;
int offset = 0;
int blockSizeBytes = rjndl.BlockSize/8;
byte[] data = new byte[blockSizeBytes];
int bytesRead = 0;
using (FileStream inFs = new FileStream(inFile, FileMode.Open))
count = inFs.Read(data, 0, blockSizeBytes);
offset += count;
outStreamEncrypted.Write(data, 0, count);
bytesRead += blockSizeBytes;
while (count > 0);
private void DecryptFile(string inFile)
// Create instance of Rijndael for
// symetric decryption of the data.
RijndaelManaged rjndl = new RijndaelManaged();
rjndl.KeySize = 256;
rjndl.BlockSize = 256;
rjndl.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
byte[] LenK = new byte[4];
byte[] LenIV = new byte[4];
string outFile = DecrFolder + inFile.Substring(0, inFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".txt";
using (FileStream inFs = new FileStream(EncrFolder + inFile, FileMode.Open))
inFs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
inFs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
inFs.Read(LenK, 0, 3);
inFs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
inFs.Read(LenIV, 0, 3);
int lenK = BitConverter.ToInt32(LenK, 0);
int lenIV = BitConverter.ToInt32(LenIV, 0);
int startC = lenK + lenIV + 8;
int lenC = (int)inFs.Length - startC;
// Create the byte arrays for
// the encrypted Rijndael key,
// the IV, and the cipher text.
byte[] KeyEncrypted = new byte[lenK];
byte[] IV = new byte[lenIV];
// Extract the key and IV
// starting from index 8
// after the length values.
inFs.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Begin);
inFs.Read(KeyEncrypted, 0, lenK);
inFs.Seek(8 + lenK, SeekOrigin.Begin);
inFs.Read(IV, 0, lenIV);
byte[] KeyDecrypted = rsa.Decrypt(KeyEncrypted, false);
ICryptoTransform transform = rjndl.CreateDecryptor(KeyDecrypted, IV);
using (FileStream outFs = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create))
int count = 0;
int offset = 0;
int blockSizeBytes = rjndl.BlockSize/8;
byte[] data = new byte[blockSizeBytes];
inFs.Seek(startC, SeekOrigin.Begin);
using (CryptoStream outStreamDecrypted = new CryptoStream(outFs, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
count = inFs.Read(data, 0, blockSizeBytes);
offset += count;
outStreamDecrypted.Write(data, 0, count);
while (count > 0);
我還沒有看過代碼,但只是一個想法..數據是壞的?您是否比較了上傳兩面的數據以確保其相同? –
粘貼的代碼似乎工作正常。錯誤必須在其他地方,無論是在數據本身還是在rsa cryptor(未顯示)的設置中。 – SilverbackNet
Mystere Man - 我試圖比較任何一方的數據,但是由於解密端是加密的,除非我誤解,否則我看不到這一點。 – SimonSays