2012-12-07 38 views



These are the headers: 
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; 

And this is the message: 

$message = " 


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<DIV id=\"page_1\"> 

<DIV id=\"id_1\"> 
<P class=\"p0 ft0\">Board of Trustees</P> 
<P class=\"p1 ft1\">REDACTED</P> 
<P class=\"p6 ft4\">「Nurturing Hearts,</P> 
<P class=\"p2 ft5\">Developing Minds」</P> 
<DIV id=\"id_2\"> 
<P class=\"p0 ft6\">$today</P> 
<P class=\"p7 ft6\">$title $first_name $last_name<br>$street_address<br>$city, $state $zip</P> 
<P class=\"p8 ft6\">Dear $title $last_name,</P> 
<P class=\"p9 ft6\">We have received your generous donation of $$mathAmt.00, and we are truly grateful. Since its founding in 1970, The School has been fortunate to receive philanthropic support from forward looking people like you who understand and appreciate the unique significance of our school’s mission in our community. Over these past <NOBR>forty-one</NOBR> years, many of our graduates have become respected professionals and leaders in our community, and our school is widely acknowledged as an important education resource in our region.</P> 
<P class=\"p10 ft6\">On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the Faculty, and our Students, who are the ultimate recipients of your generosity, I wish to personally thank you. Your sacrificial donation sends an especially powerful message during theses challenging economic times about your devotion to the school.</P> 
<P class=\"p11 ft6\">Sincerely yours,</P> 
<P class=\"p12 ft6\">James </P> 
<P class=\"p0 ft6\">Headmaster</P> 
<P class=\"p13 ft8\">For tax purposes, School is pleased to provide the following information. No goods or services were rendered in exchange for this contribution. Please retain this letter for income tax purposes. This written acknowledgement of your donation serves as the substantiation required under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.</P> 
<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=\"t0\"> 
    <TD class=\"tr0 td0\"><P class=\"p14 ft8\">Date of Gift:</P></TD> 
    <TD class=\"tr0 td1\"><P class=\"p15 ft8\">1/19/2012</P></TD> 
    <TD class=\"tr1 td0\"><P class=\"p14 ft8\">Value of Gift*<SPAN class=\"ft6\">:</SPAN></P></TD> 
    <TD class=\"tr1 td1\"><P class=\"p15 ft8\">$$mathAmt.00</P></TD> 









堆棧溢出不會讓我編輯帖子只添加一個JSFiddle鏈接,但你可以在http://jsfiddle.net/Tpf3B/ – greg5green


看到工作電子郵件是的,我注意到它在瀏覽器中看起來很好,但是我對此很新,所以我想我仍然在搞點東西,哈哈。感謝您的建議,我會嘗試。 – Joel


慢慢來吧。與製作「常規」網站相比,編寫HTML電子郵件可能相當困難。只要確保你的東西在大的東西上驗證(使用不「支持」的屬性不是什麼大問題,但要確保你的tr和table都是封閉的)。另外,請檢查http://premailer.dialect.ca/將您從樣式塊寫入的CSS移動到內聯樣式中。 – greg5green