2016-08-01 43 views


var houseArray = []; 

//Generate street adress 
var houseStreets = [..., ..., ...]; 

var generateAddress = function(){ 
    var index = round(random(0, houseStreets.length)); 
    var num = round(random(0, 9999)); 
    return num + " " + houseStreets[index]; 

// House constructor and prototypes 
var House = function(address, x, y) { 
    this.address = address; 
    this.x = x; 
    this.y = y; 

House.prototype.draw = function() { 
    rect(this.x, this.y, 30, 20); 


var householdArray = []; 

//Generate household names 
var householdNames = [..., ..., ...]; 

var generateName = function(){ 
    var index = round(random(0, householdNames.length)); 
    return householdNames[index]; 

//Household constructor and prototypes 
var Household = function(name, house) { 
    this.name = name; 
    this.house = house.address; 
    this.x = house.x; 
    this.y = house.y; 
    this.isHomeOwner = true; 
    this.isSelling = false; 


Household.prototype.draw = function() { 
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, 10, 10); 

Household.prototype.determinMove = function() { 
    if(random(0, 100) <= 75){ 
     this.isSelling = true; 


// Populate initial houses 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 15, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 50, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 85, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 120, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 155, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 190, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 225, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 260, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 295, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 330, 10)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 15, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 50, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 85, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 120, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 155, 389));   
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 190, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 225, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 260, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 295, 389)); 
houseArray.push(new House(generateAddress(), 330, 389)); 

//Populate initial households 
for (var i = 0; i < houseArray.length; i++){ 
    householdArray.push(new Household(generateName(), houseArray[i])); 

現在,我試圖建立一個將在每一個新的轉折,將創建不隨地駐留5周新的家庭的開始(被調用的函數沒有被綁在房子的房子裏),並且有一個隨機的x(在...之間) n 10和390)和隨機y(50和350之間)的位置,我似乎無法使其工作。這裏是我想出了代碼:

var newArrival = function() { 
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { 
    householdArray.push(new Household(generateName())); 





調試器說你得到那個錯誤在哪裏?它應該給你一個文件名和一個行號。 – zero298


您的代碼似乎只將5個項目推送到'householdArray'。如果是這樣的話,'householdArray [22]'自然會返回'undefined'。 – acdcjunior


@acdcjunior它可能並不容易看到,但在初始設置中,我已經在'householdArray'中生成了20個項目。我的'newArrival'函數是爲了增加5個。 – neoflash




var Household = function(name, house) { 
    if (house === undefined) { 
     this.name = name; 
     this.house = "HOMELESS"; 
     this.x = random(10, 390); 
     this.y = random(50, 350); 
     this.isHomeOwner = false; 
     this.isSelling = false; 
     this.askingPrice = 0; 
    } else { 
     this.name = name; 
     this.house = house; 
     this.x = house.x; 
     this.y = house.y; 
     this.isHomeOwner = true; 
     this.isSelling = false; 
     this.askingPrice = 0; 