2015-11-21 44 views




# templates/mail/notification.jinja2 
Dear {{username}},<br> blah blah blah... 


@view_config(route_name='email', renderer='templates/email.jinja2') 
def send_email(request): 
    import pyramid_jinja2 
    user = # ... got user from DB 
    env = pyramid_jinja2.get_jinja2_environment(request) 
    template = env.get_template('/templates/mail/notification.jinja2') 
    message = template.render({'username': user.name}) 






from pyramid.renderers import render 

from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer 
from pyramid_mailer.message import Message 

import premailer 

def send_templated_mail(request, recipients, template, context, sender=None): 
    """Send out templatized HTML and plain text emails. 

    Each HTML email should have a plain text fallback. Premailer package is used to convert any CSS styles in HTML email messages to inline, so that email clients display them. 

    The email is assembled from three different templates: 

    * Read subject from a subject specific template $template.subject.txt 

    * Generate HTML email from HTML template, $template.body.html 

    * Generate plain text email from HTML template, $template.body.txt 

    Make sure you have configured your template engine (Jinja 2) to read TXT templates beside HTML. 

    :param request: HTTP request, passed to the template engine. Request configuration is used to get hold of the configured mailer. 

    :param recipients: List of recipient emails 

    :param template: Template filename base string for template tripled (subject, HTML body, plain text body). For example ``email/my_message`` would map to templates ``email/my_message.subject.txt``, ``email/my_message.body.txt``, ``email/my_message.body.html`` 

    :param context: Template context variables as a dict 

    :param sender: Override the sender email - if not specific use the default set in the config as ``mail.default_sender`` 

    assert recipients 
    assert len(recipients) > 0 
    assert type(recipients) != str, "Please give a list of recipients, not a string" 

    subject = render(template + ".subject.txt", context, request=request) 
    subject = subject.strip() 

    html_body = render(template + ".body.html", context, request=request) 
    text_body = render(template + ".body.txt", context, request=request) 

    if not sender: 
     sender = request.registry.settings["mail.default_sender"] 

    # Inline CSS styles 
    html_body = premailer.transform(html_body) 

    message = Message(subject=subject, sender=sender, recipients=recipients, body=text_body, html=html_body) 

    mailer = get_mailer(request) 

謝謝!我會嘗試。出於某種原因,我認爲它創建了響應(使用標題,我不需要)。我會再檢查一次,並儘快接受答案。 –


發送電子郵件不應該是查看(您現在擁有@view_config),而是您希望發送電子郵件的視圖中調用的函數。通常在處理HTTP POST之後。 –
