我在Access 2003Access查詢得到錯誤3141
運行時錯誤「3141」; SELECT語句包含拼寫錯誤或缺失的保留字或參數名稱,或標點符號不正確。
DoCmd.RunSQL ("SELECT [Main Employee Table].SSN, [Main Employee Table].[LastName] AS [Last Name], [Main Employee Table].[FirstName] AS [First Name], " _
& "[Main Employee Table].[MiddleName] AS [Middle Intial], " _
& "[Address Table].[Address] AS [Address Line 1], Null AS [Address Line 2] [City] AS Ciity, " _
& "UCase([State]) AS Sstate, Format([ZipCode],""00000"") AS [Zip Code], Null AS TaxState, " _
& """20141201"" AS [Chk Request Date], [Main Employee Table].DOB AS [Date of Birth], " _
& "IIf(([Status]='Beneficiary' Or [Status]='Beneficiary/late'),""05"",IIf([Status]='QDRO/TV',""01"",""00"")) AS RelationshipCode, " _
& "Null AS [Lump Sum Benefit L], tblLSWindow.LSRollOver AS [Rollover Benefit R], " _
& "Null AS [Partial Benefit P], Null AS [Hardship Benefit H], Null AS [Min Req Distr Benefit M], Null AS [Nontaxable Benefit], " _
& "tblLSWindow.LSRollOver AS [Total], ""R"" AS [Distribution Suffix], Null AS [Marital Status], " _
& """1"" AS [Federal Withholding Switch], ""1"" AS [State Withholding Switch], Null AS [Federal Exemp Number], ""0"" AS [Federal Additional Amount], " _
& "Null AS [State Exemp Number], ""0"" AS [State Additional Amount], ""G"" AS [Distribution Code], " _
& "[RollOverInstitution] AS [Rollover Institution Name Address Line 1], [FirstName] & "" "" & [Last Name] AS [FBO Address Line 2], " _
& "[Address] AS [Rollover Institution Address Line 3], [City] AS [Rollover Institution City], [State] AS [Rollover Institution State], " _
& "[ZipCode] AS [Rollover Institution Zip Code] " _
& "INTO AutoCashLoadReport " _
& "FROM ([Main Employee Table] LEFT JOIN tblLSWindow " _
& "ON [Main Employee Table].SSN = tblLSWindow.SSN) " _
& "LEFT JOIN [Address Table] ON [Main Employee Table].SSN = [Address Table].SSN " _
& "WHERE ((tblLSWindow.LSRollOver>0) AND ([tblLSWindow].[IGOChk]=-1))")
使用一些格式將使此一百萬時更容易閱讀。您在兩列之間缺少逗號。無AS [地址欄2] [城市] AS Ciity, – 2014-10-07 18:49:50